جوائز The Game Awards لعام 2022 التي حصلت عليها لعبة God of War راغنروك:
- أفضل لعبة سردية
- أفضل لعبة مفعمة بالحركة/المغامرة
- أفضل أداء (كريستوفر جادج)
- أفضل موسيقى تصويرية
- أفضل تصميم صوتي
- الابتكار في تسهيلات الاستخدام
يسعى أتريوس إلى جمع المعلومات ليساعد والده على فهم نبوءة “لوكي” وفهم دوره في راغنروك. يجب على كريتوس أن يقرر ما إذا كان سيبقى مقيدًا بالخوف من تكرار أخطاء الماضي أم سيتحرر من ماضيه ليصبح الأب الذي يحتاجه أتريوس.
تشهد اللعبة عودة فأس الليفيثان ونصال الفوضى ودرع الحامي، إلى جانب مجموعة جديدة قدرات كريتوس وأتريوس. ستُختبَر مهارات كريتوس الأسبرطية الفتاكة على نحو غير مسبوق حيث سيقاتل آلهة ووحوشًا عبر العوالم التسعة لحماية عائلته.
انطلق في رحلة إلى أماكن طبيعية مذهلة ومحفوفة بالمخاطر، بينما تواجه مجموعة متنوعة من مخلوقات معادية ووحوش وآلهة إسكندنافية، حيث يبحث كريتوس وأتريوس عن الإجابات.
Last week, we asked you to travel to the shores of Valhalla to face Kratos’ past in God of War Ragnarök using #PSshare #PSBlog. Here are this week’s highlights: sirevanztheduke shares Kratos swinging the Leviathan Axe with a frost attack Sanderbleidd shares a subdued shadowy portrait of Kratos DeathStalker131 shares a minotaur rearing back after […]
As of November 19, God of War Ragnarök has sold through more than 15 million units worldwide across PS4 and PS5. To show our appreciation for the incredible support and love you’ve given the game since its release last year, our team has been working on a surprise for the God of War community. As […]
It has officially been one year since the launch of God of War Ragnarök. Since the very first time this game was announced, the support we felt from fans has been truly incredible. It has been a pleasure and a privilege to see players finally get ahold of the game and create so much wonderful […]
Creating a character from the ground up can be daunting, but developing a character’s growth through progressive storylines is a raging beast of a task in itself. Santa Monica Studio took on this challenge through its comprehensive development of the beloved Atreus, son of Kratos in God of War Ragnarök, where the main focus was […]
It has been one full year since the DualSense Edge wireless controller’s release, placing the power of ultra-customizable, high-performance features directly in the hands of gamers. In a return to our Developer Experience Series, devs from Insomniac Games and 2K highlight game-specific ways to optimize gameplay with the DualSense Edge wireless controller. Looking for ways […]
God of War Ragnarök’s New Game Plus (NG+) update is now available and with it comes a ton of new options for Kratos builds! Without our amazing QA team, both God of War Ragnarök and NG+ would not have been possible. Not only do they have incredible game knowledge, but our QA folks are also […]
The God of War Ragnarök New Game Plus (NG+) update is available now. To make sure you’re ready to jump back into the Nine Realms, we’ve put together everything you need to know below. Change the way you play New equipment, an increased level cap, new Enchantments – all this and more is introduced with […]
At PlayStation, we’re always looking to create meaningful and engaging experiences that celebrate our players. For PlayStation Plus, we have a big month with Horizon Forbidden West joining our Game Catalog, giving PlayStation Plus Extra, and Deluxe members a chance to experience a post-apocalyptic world with distant lands to discover, striking characters to meet, and […]
At PlayStation, we’re always looking to create meaningful and engaging experiences that celebrate our players. For PlayStation Plus, we have a big month with Horizon Forbidden West joining our Game Catalog, giving PlayStation Plus Extra, and Premium/Deluxe members a chance to experience a post-apocalyptic world with distant lands to discover, striking characters to meet, and […]
With the release of God of War (2018), we were absolutely amazed by how many people wanted to cosplay characters from the game – even those we didn’t have the chance to make guides for. With the God of War Ragnarök cosplay guides, we wanted to make as many as we could to help provide […]
Last week, we asked you to travel to the shores of Valhalla to face Kratos’ past in God of War Ragnarök using #PSshare #PSBlog. Here are this week’s highlights: sirevanztheduke shares Kratos swinging the Leviathan Axe with a frost attack Sanderbleidd shares a subdued shadowy portrait of Kratos DeathStalker131 shares a minotaur rearing back after […]
As of November 19, God of War Ragnarök has sold through more than 15 million units worldwide across PS4 and PS5. To show our appreciation for the incredible support and love you’ve given the game since its release last year, our team has been working on a surprise for the God of War community. As […]
It has officially been one year since the launch of God of War Ragnarök. Since the very first time this game was announced, the support we felt from fans has been truly incredible. It has been a pleasure and a privilege to see players finally get ahold of the game and create so much wonderful […]
Creating a character from the ground up can be daunting, but developing a character’s growth through progressive storylines is a raging beast of a task in itself. Santa Monica Studio took on this challenge through its comprehensive development of the beloved Atreus, son of Kratos in God of War Ragnarök, where the main focus was […]
It has been one full year since the DualSense Edge wireless controller’s release, placing the power of ultra-customizable, high-performance features directly in the hands of gamers. In a return to our Developer Experience Series, devs from Insomniac Games and 2K highlight game-specific ways to optimize gameplay with the DualSense Edge wireless controller. Looking for ways […]
God of War Ragnarök’s New Game Plus (NG+) update is now available and with it comes a ton of new options for Kratos builds! Without our amazing QA team, both God of War Ragnarök and NG+ would not have been possible. Not only do they have incredible game knowledge, but our QA folks are also […]
The God of War Ragnarök New Game Plus (NG+) update is available now. To make sure you’re ready to jump back into the Nine Realms, we’ve put together everything you need to know below. Change the way you play New equipment, an increased level cap, new Enchantments – all this and more is introduced with […]
At PlayStation, we’re always looking to create meaningful and engaging experiences that celebrate our players. For PlayStation Plus, we have a big month with Horizon Forbidden West joining our Game Catalog, giving PlayStation Plus Extra, and Deluxe members a chance to experience a post-apocalyptic world with distant lands to discover, striking characters to meet, and […]
At PlayStation, we’re always looking to create meaningful and engaging experiences that celebrate our players. For PlayStation Plus, we have a big month with Horizon Forbidden West joining our Game Catalog, giving PlayStation Plus Extra, and Premium/Deluxe members a chance to experience a post-apocalyptic world with distant lands to discover, striking characters to meet, and […]
With the release of God of War (2018), we were absolutely amazed by how many people wanted to cosplay characters from the game – even those we didn’t have the chance to make guides for. With the God of War Ragnarök cosplay guides, we wanted to make as many as we could to help provide […]
يتضمن هذا الوضع أيضًا:
تعرَّف على المزيد حول لعبة God of War راغنروك من صناع اللعبة في Santa Monica Studio.
تصفح مجموعة الألعاب الكاملة في السلسلة واعرف المزيد عن قصة كريتوس في مركز ألعاب God of War الرسمي.
استكشف مجموعة من الألعاب الرائعة المتوفّرة الآن، أو التي ستتوفّر قريبًا على PS5.
نعم، ستوفر God of War راغنروك خيار ترقية رقمية* من قرص أو لعبة رقمية على جهاز PS4 إلى نسخة رقمية على جهاز PS5 مقابل تكلفة إضافية. لمعرفة المزيد عن ترقية ألعاب PS4 إلى PS5، زُر صفحة الدعم.
*بادر بالترقية إلى النسخة الرقمية على جهاز PS5™ من اللعبة مقابل سعر مُخفَّض. لترقية نسخ القرص المؤهلة على جهاز PS4™، يحتاج اللاعبون إلى جهاز PS5™ بمحرك أقراص. بادر بزيارة PlayStation.com/help للحصول على مزيد من المعلومات.
استمتع بتجربة الانغماس في الجيل التالي من اللعبة على PS5™ وانطلق في رحلة عبر العوالم التسعة بدقة 4K المذهلة1. اشعر بتفاصيل رحلتك بين راحة يديك من خلال الملاحظات اللمسية والمُحفِّزات التكيفية لوحدة التحكم اللاسلكية DualSense™ وحدد كل صوت باستخدام الصوت ثلاثي الأبعاد2.
1يتطلب اللعب بدقة 4K جهاز تلفزيون أو شاشة عرض متوافقة بدقة 4K.
2صوت ثلاثي الأبعاد بسماعات رأس ستيريو (في وحدة التحكم أو عبر USB).
3اللعبة المُثبتة مسبقًا. قد يكون جهاز PS5™ بحاجة إلى التحديث لأحدث نسخة من برمجيات النظام. يلزم الاتصال بالإنترنت.
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