

Unable to acquire information from the server. You might experience network or Internet connection issues.

  1. Restart your router.
  2. Restart the PS4.
  3. Contact your Internet service provider to check the status of your Internet connection.
  4. Reset the router and select Settings > Network > Set Up Internet Connection  on your PlayStation 4 to connect to the router again. For details, refer to the instructions supplied with the router.
  5. Update the router firmware to the latest version. For details, refer to the instructions supplied with the router.
  6. Select Settings  > Network > Test Internet Connection,  and then check your Internet connection status.
  7. PlayStation™Network might be temporarily busy. Check its status at and try again later.
  8. A firewall or other security measures might be preventing you from connecting to the network. Make sure your network devices do not block the following port numbers:
    • TCP: 80, 443, 3478, 3479, 3480
    • UDP: 3478, 3479
  9. If you cannot connect to a service outside PlayStation™Network, check the status of that service.

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