

Failed to update.

Please try the following steps:

  1. If your system software is not up to date, please update it to the latest version from Settings > System Software Update.
  2. If the game update fails, please check the progress of the download from Notifications. If the download is in progress, please wait until the download is complete.
  3. Check that you have enough storage space from Settings > Storage > System Storage.
    Depending on the content you are downloading, you may need free storage space that is twice the size of the content you want to download. Highlight unnecessary data, press the OPTIONS button and select Delete to free up storage space.
  4. Turn off your router, and wait at least 5 minutes, then turn it back on.
  5. Try deleting and reinstalling the application. When deleting an application, back up your save data from Settings > Application Saved Data Management > Saved Data in System Storage.

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