
An error occurred while connecting to PlayStation™ Network.

Please try the following:

  1. Check the PlayStation™Network status page to see if there are any network issues.
  2. Try using a wired connection if possible.
  3. If you are using a wireless connection, try bringing your console closer to your router and removing anything interrupting the connection between the devices.
  4. Turn off your router, wait at least 5 minutes, then restart it.
  5. Update your router to the latest firmware. For details on how to update, please contact the router vendor.
  6. If possible, try opening the following ports:
    TCP: 80, 443, 3478, 3479, 3480
    UDP: 3478, 3479, 49152 to 65535.
    For details on how to open ports, please contact your Internet Service Provider.

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