
How to voice chat with Discord on PS5 consoles

Voice chat with players on other platforms through Discord on your PlayStation®5 console

To use Discord on your PS5® console, you need to link your account for Discord to your account for PlayStation™Network.

How to start a direct voice chat on Discord

You can start a Direct voice chat on Discord to chat with players and groups that you’ve previously chatted with. 

  1. Go to the control center and select Game Base.
  2. Go to the Discord tab and select Direct Voice Chats.
  3. Select the player or group you want to voice chat with.
  4. Select Start Voice Chat.
    If the player or group has already started the voice chat, select Join

To view your ongoing Discord voice chat or change the settings, select the voice chat card from the control center.

  1. Open the Discord app on your mobile device or computer, log in to your account for Discord, and then start or join a voice channel.
  2. Select the option to join on PlayStation, and then select your PS5 console* from the list that appears.
  3. When your PS5 console has successfully connected to the voice channel, a notification appears on your PS5 console screen.
  4. Select View Discord Voice Chat from the notification on your PS5 console screen to open the Discord voice chat card.
    You can also select the voice chat card from the control center.
    Use your controller's built-in mic or a headset to talk with the other members in the voice chat.
  • If you started a Discord voice chat, the voice chat card in the control center shows the features for Discord. 
  • Discord voice chat is different from a party voice chat, which lets you use features such as Share Screen and Share Play. 
  • You can't be in a Discord voice chat and a party voice chat at the same time.

*Update your PS5 console with the latest system software to use the Discord voice chat feature.

How to join a server voice channel on Discord

  1. Go to the control center and select Game Base
  2. Go to the Discord tab and select a server.
    You can tell if a server has an on-going voice channel if avatars appear next to the server's name.
  3. Select the voice channel you want to join, and select Join.
  • When you want to view your on-going Discord voice chat or change its settings, select the voice chat card from the control center.

How to turn on your PS5 console from the Discord app

You can start a voice chat on the Discord app and turn on your console while it's in rest mode at the same time.

  1. From the home screen, go to Settings > System > Power Saving > Features Available in Rest Mode and turn on Enable Turning On PS5 from Network
  2. When you open the Discord app and select the option to join on PlayStation, your PS5 console turns on.
  3. Select View Discord Voice Chat from the notification on your PS5 console screen to open the Discord voice chat card.
    You can also select the voice chat card from the control center.
    Use your controller's built-in mic or a headset to talk with the other members in the voice chat.

Change Discord voice chat settings

When you start or join a voice channel on Discord, it appears on the voice chat card in the control center. 

A) Type of voice chat


See what type of voice chat you're currently using. A voice chat started in Discord is called Discord voice chat.
B) Switch between Discord and Game voice chats

Seamlessly jump between your current Discord chat to a game voice chat.

You can see how many voice chats you're a part of above your current voice chat.

To switch voice chats, browse through the ongoing voice chats that you're a part of. Select a voice chat to start chatting in it.

C) Discord voice chat features

Audio Balance
Adjust the audio balance between the voice chat and other audio on your console.

Mute All
Mute all other members in the voice chat.

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Voice Chat Settings
Adjust your microphone level.

If you have an issue with a voice chat member, you can submit a report to Discord's moderation teams.

Leave the voice chat you're a part of.

D ) Member list

The name and avatar the member uses on Discord appear here. When the member has their account for PlayStation Network linked with their account for Discord, the PlayStation symbol appears along with their real name or online ID.

Select a member to adjust their audio volume, view their PSN profile (if they have their accounts linked), or perform other actions. 

The following appears when they apply to the player:

PlayStation Plus
The member is a PlayStation Plus member.

Current game and console
See what game is currently being played. Icons show what console the player is using.

Mic status
Check if a member is speaking or has their mic muted. When a member is speaking, their avatar lights up. When a member is muted, the mute icon appears on their avatar.

Add Friend
If the player is also on PSN, you can add them as a friend.

Joinable game
The player is currently playing a game you can join. To join the game session, select the player and then select Join Game.

Can Discord audio be captured or broadcast?

No. Discord Voice Chat audio isn’t recorded on PS5 console captures and broadcasts. 

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