
How to use Share Screen on PS5 consoles

Use Share Screen to let other players in a party watch your gameplay in real time as if you're all in the same room.

How to start Share Screen from a party on a PS5 console

  1. Join or start a party with friends you’d like to share your screen with.
  2. On the voice chat card, select the Share Screen icon, and then select Start Share Screen.
  1. Press the create button to open the create menu. 
  2. Select Share Screen

Depending on your situation, you can do one of the following: 

  • If you're already in a party voice chat, select Start Share Screen
  • If you're not in a party voice chat, you can create a party and let your friends, as well as friends of party members, join the party. Set the options for the open party and then select Start Share Screen

A notification lets you and the other players in the party know that Share Screen has started.

  1. Go to your friend's profile and select the Share Screen icon.
  2. Select Start Share Screen to invite your friend to watch you play.
  • A notification lets you and your friends in the party know that Share Screen has started. 
  • Only your game screen and audio are shared. Other screens and non-game app screens won't be visible to your viewers. Depending on the game, some scenes may not appear to your viewers.
  • If you want to share your screen with a player using a PlayStation®4 console, you can do so by using Share Play.

How to allow viewer interactions during Share Screen on PS5 consoles

Let players watching your screen interact with your gameplay. Both you and other viewers can see the interactions in real time.

  1. Go to the control center and select the party voice chat card. 
  2. Select the Share Screen icon, and then turn on Viewer Interactions.
    You can change where the reactions appear on your screen by selecting Reactions Position.

Viewers can:

  • Use a pointer to ping an area or draw on your screen.
  • Send reactions.

You can turn interactions on or off and change reactions position both before and during Share Screen.

How to watch another player’s screen on your PS5 console

You receive a notification when a player in your party starts Share Screen.

  1. Press the PS button on your controller to go to the control center and select Notifications.
  2. Open the Share Screen notification to start watching.
  • The Share Screen card appears in the control center when someone in your party starts Share Screen.
  • When a player in a joinable party is sharing their screen, the ON AIR icon appears on the party. To find such parties, go to the control center and select Game Base. Go to the Parties tab and look under Joinable. Find a party with the ON AIR icon next to it. Join the party to start watching their screen.

How to interact with another player’s screen on your PS5 console

If the player sharing their screen turns on viewer interactions, you can interact with the player's screen and make reactions for everyone watching to see.

  1. To start interacting, go to the control center and select the Share Screen card.
  2. Select the video player.
    The player's gameplay appears in full screen. 

You can then interact with the player's screen by:

  • Moving the pointer
    Use the left stick to move the pointer on the screen. To ping an area on the screen, press the cross button. To draw on the screen, press and hold the cross button and then move the pointer.
  • Sending a reaction
    Press and hold the R2 button and then press one of the action buttons, each of which corresponds to a reaction. Release the R2 button to send the reaction. You can send bigger reactions by pressing one of the action buttons multiple times before releasing the R2 button.

How to request to watch another player’s screen on your PS5 console

  1. Go to the voice chat card in the control center and select a player.
  2. Select Request Share Screen.
    You're notified when they start sharing their screen.

You can also watch your friend's gameplay on PlayStation App.

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