
God of War Ragnarök accessibility options

Explore over 70 accessibility features in God of War Ragnarök that enable players to customize the gameplay experience to suit their needs.


Accessibility presets

God of War Ragnarök has four new preset menus, each with a “some” or “full” option. When chosen, these presets apply a set of options in the menu, giving them new values. Each altered setting will appear in blue in the menu. You can reset all the altered values to default by applying the “off” preset or using the reset all hold button.

Vision accessibility preset

Options: Off, some, full

  • Apply a pre-selected range of options for players who have low vision. This preset adjusts settings such as:
    • Navigation assist
    • Puzzle timing
    • Puzzle aim assist
    • Lock-on
    • Recentre camera on attack
    • Auto pickup
    • Traversal assist
    • Mini-game style
    • Audio cues
    • Stun grab enemies
    • High contrast HUD
    • UI text size
    • Icon, subtitle and caption size

Hearing accessibility preset

Options: Off, some, full

  • Apply a pre-selected range of options for players who are deaf or hard of hearing. This preset adjusts settings such as:
    • Subtitles
    • Captions
    • Direction indicators
    • Speaker Names
    • Subtitle and caption background
    • Subtitle and caption blur

Motion reduction preset

Options: Off, some, full

  • Apply a pre-selected range of options for players with motion sensitivity to quick motions or handheld camera movements. This preset adjusts settings such as:
    • Camera sway
    • Camera shake
    • Cinematic smoothing
    • Persistent dot
    • Motion blur
    • Film grain
    • Strafe assist
    • Recentre on attack
    • Aim sensitivities
    • Camera rotation speeds

Apply motor accessibility preset

Options: Off, some, full

  • Apply a pre-selected range of options for players with a physical or mobility disability. This preset adjusts settings such as:
    • Puzzle timing
    • Puzzle aim assist
    • Navigation assist
    • Controller visualization
    • Repeated button presses
    • Menu holds
    • Sprint and mini-game style
    • Stun grab enemies
    • Rage mode
    • Lock-on
    • Recentre camera on attack
    • Aim and block toggle
    • Auto pickup
    • Traversal assist
    • Evade style

Changed setting indicator

Options: Automatic

  • Settings that are changed from their default value will be indicated with a blue colour to allow for faster identification of settings that have been adjusted.

Alternative controls

Santa Monica Studio took player feedback to heart and rebuilt the control customization, adding new ways to access key abilities and alternates for some hard-to-use actions. With the addition of touchpad shortcuts, control input styles, control presets, and custom layouts - you are truly in control of your play. 

Controller adjustments and input remap

Control customize

Options: Remap using an action-based button mapping system for 14 unique player buttons.

  • Remap and customize all controls.

Control scheme

Options: Default, Inverted, Classic, Left-Handed, Right-Handed, Survivalist, Assassin, Custom 1, Custom 2, Custom 3.

  • Remap and customize all controls.

Controller vibration

Options: 0 to 10 slider

  • Adjust the intensity of controller vibrations.

Touchpad button (menu entry)

Options: Left/right entry, Press/hold entry, Weapons, Screen Only, Map Only.

  • Change the functionality of the Touch Pad Button entry into menus.

Touchpad swipe shortcuts

Options: Off, Navigation Assist, HUD Toggle, High Contrast Display, Spartan Rage, Quick Turn, Shield Strike.

  • Map key actions to any of four swipe directions. All swipes work in addition to their main input. Shortcuts can be mapped to more than one direction.

Left Stick and Right Stick

Options: Default, Inverted.

  • Choose default to set the character movement to left stick and camera movement to right stick or inverted to switch them.

Climbing movement

Options: Default or Camera

  • When enabled, this setting changes the way a player interacts with vertical traversals such as crack climbs.
    • Default: The player will climb in the direction pressed.
    • Camera: The player will move in the direction the camera is pointed at when pressing forward. For example, pressing forward while looking down would move down a crack climb.
  • The Camera setting option is recommended for players using Navigation Assist to orient their camera in the direction of their goal.

Quick turn

Options: Off, Hold Block [L1] + Bare Hands Button [Down Directional Button], Hold Back on Move Stick + Press Sprint Button [R3].

  • Activate Quick Turn to rotate the camera 180 degrees to face behind you. Also available as a Touchpad Swipe Shortcut.

Spartan Rage

Options: Sprint [L3] + Lock On [R3], Evade [X] + Interact [O].

  • Choose the button configuration to activate Spartan Rage. Also available as a Touchpad Swipe Shortcut.

Stun Grab Enemies

Options: Press Lock-On (R3), Hold Interact (Circle), Move Stick.

  • Lock-on Button (R3 – Default): Press the [Lock-On Button] while within range of an enemy who is stunned to initiate a Stun Grab action.
  • Hold Interact (Circle): Hold [Interact] while in range of an enemy who is stunned to initiate a Stun Grab action.
  • Move Stick: Press the [Move Stick] and walk/sprint in the direction of a stunned enemy to automatically initiate a Stun Grab action.

Skills Navigation

Options: Default, Directional Buttons

  • Change the method of moving within the Skills Tree menu between [Movement Button] free cursor and directional buttons.

Weapon Sheathing

Options: Default, Weapon Toggle

  • Choose how to sheathe weapons:
    • Default: Use the Bare Hands Button [Down Directional Button] to sheathe your currently equipped weapon.
    • Weapon Toggle: Pressing a weapon button will toggle between equipping and sheathing a weapon.

Hold and presses

Santa Monica Studio has taken great care to expand options to reduce fatigue from difficult actions, ensuring that a wide variety of actions have alternate inputs that reduce the need for extended holds and quick presses. 

Repeated button presses

Options: Tap or Hold

  • Complete multi-press actions by either rapidly tapping or holding down the prompted button.
    • TAP (Default): Press the button repeatedly to progress.
    • HOLD: Hold the button to progress.

Block style

Options: Hold or Toggle

  • Change the input method of blocking.
    • HOLD (Default): Hold Block button [L1] to block. Release to stop blocking.
    • TOGGLE: Press Block Button [L1] to block. Press Block Button [L1] again to stop blocking.

Aiming Style

Options: Hold or Toggle

  • Change the input method for aiming.
    • HOLD (Default): Hold [L2] to aim. Release to stop aiming.
    • TOGGLE: Press [L2] to aim. Press [L2] again to stop aiming.

Evade Style

Options: Hold or Toggle (in game this was written as Default, Default+ and Tap Roll)

  • Change the input method for evade.
    • DEFAULT (Default): Tap to side-step, double tap to follow up with a single roll.
    • DEFAULT+: Tap to side-step, double tap to follow up with a roll. Continue holding to repeat a side-step then roll.
    • TAP ROLL: Tap to side-step then roll automatically. Continue to hold to repeat the side-step roll action.

Neutral Evade

Options: Off, On

  • Use the Evade Button [O] to evade backwards when a direction is not pressed.

Evade Assist

Options: Off, On

  • Provides increased immunity while evading.
    (Note: Evade Assist is NOT available in No Mercy or God of War difficulties)


Options: Press Sprint button [L3], Hold Evade [X], Auto

  • Select an input style for Sprint. Press and Hold inputs can be remapped.

Delay Auto Sprint

Options: 0.0 - 5.0

  • Adjust the amount of time before Auto Sprint activates. Lower settings will trigger sprinting with little distance required. Higher settings will for an increased delay before sprinting.

Menu Holds

Options: Default, Fast

  • Adjusts the time a button must be pressed in a menu to complete Hold Actions like crafting or spending XP.
    • Default: Hold for the full duration to confirm the action.
    • Fast: Decrease the hold time making confirmation faster.


Explore a variety of gameplay assists for common actions – from combat assists to keep you on target to puzzle assists to turn split-second puzzle moments into a more flexible aim time. Auto Pickup and Auto Equip features have also been added to let you manage equipment and loot with ease.

Aim Assist

Options: Off, Classic, Classic+

  • When aiming, this feature guides the camera with momentary strafe assist and target friction.
    • Classic: Points the camera to the closest target relative to the aim reticle.
    • Classic +: Points the camera to the closest target to the aim reticle from anywhere on screen.

Puzzle Aim Assist

Options: Off, On

  • Snap the aim reticle to a nearby puzzle target when aiming.

Lock-On Camera

Options: Off, Classic, Auto-Target, Auto Target+

  • Use the Lock-On Button to activate, use the Move Stick to switch targets. Lock-on will keep the enemy in the centre of the camera view until an event or action breaks the lock.
    • Classic: Lock-on will keep the enemy in view until it dies. Lock-on will also temporarily release when the player aims. Targets may break Lock-on with special moves or if they move out of range.
    • Auto-Target: Lock-on persists while aiming and switches to a new on-screen target after the current target dies. While aiming, flick to target specifics parts on some enemies. Auto-target will reacquire a target shortly after Lock-on is broken by a special move.
    • Auto-Target+: Adds off-screen enemy targeting in addition to all Auto-Target feature settings.

Strafe Assist

Options: On, Off

  • Camera will automatically track groups of enemies when strafing.

Motion Sensor Function Aiming Activation

Options: Off, Aiming

  • Enable motion sensor controller movement to control the camera while aiming.

Puzzle Timing

Options: Default, Extended, Extended+

  • Give you more time to complete puzzles in the environment. This may include slowing down puzzle objects, and/or extending the allowed time window for solving puzzles.

Horizontal / Vertical Speed – Motion Sensor Function Aiming

Options: 0.1-3.0 slider

  • Adjust the speed the camera turns with movements for Motion Sensor Function Aiming

Acceleration – Motion Sensor Function Aiming

Options: 0-10 slider

  • While aiming, faster speeds detected by the Motion Sensor Function will increase camera movement. Moving quickly will move the camera more, slower movement will move the camera less.

Reduce Small Motions – Motion Sensor Function Aiming

Options: 0-30 slider

  • While aiming, camera movements will be reduced if the controller is rotating slower than this speed (Degrees per Second) with Motion Sensor Function Aiming enabled. This can help compensate for unintended camera movements from things like button presses.

Mini-Game Style

Options: Precision, Single Button, Auto

  • Change the method used to complete precision mini games:
    • Precision: Move in a specified direction to complete the mini-game.
    • Single Button: Press a single button for each required action in the mini-game.
    • Auto: After initiating a mini-game, it is completed automatically.

Miniboss Checkpoints

Options: Off, On

  • When you are killed by miniboss (e.g., an Ancient), restarting the fight will respawn it with reduced health if it was damaged below a certain percentage before player death. (Note: Miniboss Checkpoints are NOT available in No Mercy or God of War difficulties.)

Auto Equip Feature

Options: Activated in Weapons and Armor Menus

  • In the Weapons and Armor Menus, press the Auto Equip Button and select a targeted stat to automatically apply equipment to Kratos. This feature will prioritize equipment that gives Kratos the largest Power Level increase, sorted by the selected stat.

Auto Pick-Up

Options: Off, Essentials, Economy, Full

  • Pick up various items from the ground automatically on approach.
    • Essentials: Picks up health, rage, and other stones when needed.
    • Economy: Picks up hacksilver, resources, and loot drops when out of combat.
    • Full: Combines both Essential and Economy settings.

Recentre Camera on Attack

Options: Off, Classic, Priority, Priority+

  • Camera will automatically move behind the player when using melee attacks.
    • Classic: Recentre the camera when hitting an enemy with melee attacks.
    • Priority: Recentres the camera towards the nearest on-screen enemy when swinging a weapon or on parry.
    • Priority+: Recentres the camera towards the nearest enemy when swinging a weapon or on parry, including off screen enemies.

Subtitles and captions

Following best practices from film and television, subtitles and captions options ensure that players can experience a high-fidelity of experience with or without sound.


Options: Off, On

  • Enables subtitles for spoken dialogue.

Subtitle and caption blur

Options: Off, On

  • Blur the background behind subtitles and captions to improve their readability.
    (Note: This can be combined with the Subtitle and Caption Background feature.)

Subtitle and caption background

Options: None, Light, Dark

  • Enables a dark background behind subtitles to improve legibility.
    • Light: Add a low opacity black box behind the text for slight contrast.
    • Dark: Add a high opacity black box behind text high contrast.

Direction indicators

Options: Off, On

  • Enables an arrow next to subtitles indicating the screen-relative direction of the sound for both spoken dialogue and non-speech audio. On-screen speakers will not have a Direction Indicator with their dialogue subtitles.

Speaker names

Options: Off, On

  • Displays the name of the speaker with the subtitle.

Caption colour

Options: Off (White), Cyan, Green, Yellow, Pink, Orange, Purple, Blue

  • Select a colour for non-speech audio captions.

Speaker colour

Options: Off (White), Cyan, Green, Yellow, Pink, Orange, Purple, Blue

  • When the Speaker Names feature is enabled, this displays the name with a unique colour.

Subtitle colour

Options: Off (White), Cyan, Green, Yellow, Pink, Orange, Purple, Blue

  • Select a colour for spoken dialogue subtitles.


Options: Off, On

  • Enable the display of non-speech audio and descriptions as captions.

Subtitle and caption size

Options: Default, Large, X-Large

  • Adjust the size of subtitle and caption text.
Default subtitles
Large subtitles
Extra large subtitles

Visual aids

God of War Ragnarök offers settings that easily allow players to maintain visual clarity of important on-screen elements even while sitting far away from the screen or playing with low vision. Whether that’s reading the dialogue subtitles, engaging in combat against multiple enemies, or searching for valuable collectibles – a variety of settings help key information on the screen clear. 

Default UI text size
XXL UI text size

Icon size

Options: Small, Default, Large, X-Large

  • Where possible, increase (or decrease) the size of in-world button icons, sub prompts, enemy health bars, map icons, and lock-on aim indicators for enhanced visibility.
Default icon
Small icon
Large icon
Extra large icon

UI Text Size

Options: Default, Large, X-Large, XX-Large

  • Where possible, increase the size of UI text for easier reading. (Note: that this feature is separate from the Subtitle and Caption Size setting.)

UI colour correction

Options: Default, Set 1, Set 2, Set 3

  • Choose a set of colours to apply to critical in-world UI elements, for example Block Break or Unblockable rings.

Axe Reflect Visual

Options: Off, On

  • Display an arc reflecting off of certain puzzle surfaces to show the path of an axe bounce.

Filter strength

Options: 1-10

  • Adjust the intensity of the applied full screen colour filters.

Visualization contrast

Options: Light, Medium, Dark

  • Change the opacity of the controller visualization:
    • Light: Outline and highlights only.
    • Medium: A slight low opacity black backing is added.
    • Dark: A high-opacity black backing is added to the visualization.

High Contrast HUD

Options: Off, On

  • Add a dark contrasting backing to UI elements.

High Contrast Cinematics

Options: Off, On

  • Select if High Contrast Colours should be shown while in a cinematic moment.

Reduce flashing

Options: Off, On

  • Reduce flashing from moments that have full screen flash effects (e.g., ‘Flash Bang’ style ability effects).

Individual colour selectors for 10 categories

  • Options:      
    • Kratos colour
    • Atreus colour
    • Boss/Miniboss colour
    • Enemy colour
    • NPC colour
    • Target colour
    • Interact colour
    • Hazard colour
    • Traversal markings
    • Background colour
  • Assign individual colours to any combination of categories to create a customized High Contrast mode.

Colour filter

Options: Off, Red-Green, Green-Red, Blue-Yellow

  • Apply a full screen filter to in-game objects using colour shifting to reduce the use of certain colour spectrums (also known as Daltonization).

Controller visualization

Options: Off, On

  • Enable the display of an on-screen controller image and inputs while in gameplay.
    This will automatically hide in menus and cinematics.

High Contrast Display Preset

Options: Off, General, Red-Green, Green-Red, Blue-Yellow, Collector, Danger, Lighting

  • Choose a High Contrast Preset to apply a preselected palette of colours to a number of categories at once or use the options below to set categories individually. High Contrast Display allows for full colour saturation of characters and objects to make them easier to see. (NOTE: When paired with a High Contrast Display Swipe, this mode can be toggled on and off at any time during gameplay. This mode automatically turns off in character menus.)

Motion reduction

By eliminating camera shake in gameplay or turning on a persistent dot, God of War Ragnarök has settings that aid in a smoother gameplay experience.

Camera shake

Options: 0 to 10 slider

  • Adjust the intensity of short, high-frequency, and sudden camera movements. These movements usually occur in combat.

Ambient camera sway

Options: 0 to 10 slider

  • Set the intensity of slow, handheld, and other looping camera movement in gameplay. These movements usually occur while idling or traversing. (Note: This feature does not affect cinematic moments.)

Motion blur

Options: 0 to 10 slider

  • Adjust the intensity of the Motion Blur effect.

Film Grain

Options: 0 to 10 slider

  • Set the amount of Film Grain applied.

Persistent centre dot

Options: Off, Small, Medium, Large

  • Display a persistent reticle in the centre of the screen with a variety of size options.

Persistent centre dot colour

Options: White, Black, Blue, Green, Purple, Red, Yellow

  • Adjust the colour of the Persistent Centre Dot.

Cinematic smoothing

Options: Off, On

  • Smooth out camera movement to reduce shake and sway from handheld camera motion during cinematics where possible.

Navigation and traversal

Getting around the world is critical to discovery and adventure. With the new Navigation Assist and Traversal Assist options, you can move around the world with confidence.     

Navigation assist

Options: Off, On

  • Press Lock-on Button to orient the camera in the direction of your current story or map selected objective while not in combat. (Note: Navigation Assist can be paired with a swipe activation.)

Traversal assist

Options: Off, Auto, Auto+

  • Traverse objects and obstacles using only the move stick, reducing the number of button presses required for vaulting and climbing.
    • Auto: Includes vaulting, mantling, jumping gaps, and descending ledges.
    • Auto+: Adds crawls, presses, and climb points to actions included in Auto.

Audio cues and screen reader

New to the God of War series are two features that support low-vision play. Audio Cues can indicate on-screen prompts that allow players to quickly identify that an action is available in both general and combat gameplay. The Screen Reader feature (English only) assists players in navigating through a selection of menus to assist in learning the fundamentals of the game.  

Audio Cues

Options: Off, On

  • Plays additional sounds (or spoken direction information) that correspond to various combat and traversal actions. (Note: Please refer to the Audio Cue Glossary to hear all the available cues.)

Screen Reader for select key menus (English only)

Options: Off, On

  • Enables narration of selection of on-screen text (English only). The Screen Reader feature works with the following screens: 
    • Start Screen
    • Onboarding Menu
    • Options Menu
    • Tutorials Menu
    • Realm Selection Menu
    • Auto-equip Menu
  • The volume of the Screen Reader feature can be adjusted from the Audio Volumes menu.

Audio tuning

Adjust the audio experience for your gaming experience to your personal setup, like voice boosting or centre panning dialogue, to ensure that the game sounds great to your specifications.


Options: 0 to 10 slider

  • Adjust the top volume of all game sounds.


Options: 0 to 10 slider

  • Adjust the volume of sound effects.


Options: 0 to 10 slider

  • Adjust the volume of spoken dialogue.


Options: 0 to 10 slider

  • Adjust the volume of music.

Controller speaker

Options: 0 to 10 slider

  • Adjust the volume of controller speaker.

Accessibility audio cues

Options: 0 to 10 slider

  • Adjust the volume of Accessibility Audio Cues.
    (Note: Audio Cues can be found in the Audio & Subtitles menu or in the Accessibility menu.)

Screen Reader volume

Options: 0 to 10 slider

  • Adjust the volume of text-to-speech narration (English only).

Audio Cue glossary

Options: In Options Menu

  • Browse and listen to various audio cues that appear throughout gameplay.

Audio panning

Options: -5 to 5 slider

  • Adjust the left/right panning of audio.

Centre pan dialogue

Options: Off, On

  • All Character dialogue will play through the centre audio channel when enabled. This removes all panning and surround information, decreasing audio immersion in favour of increased clarity of spoken words.

Voice boost

Options: Off, On

  • Adjust the audio mix to increase the clarity of character dialogue. (Note: This may impact the clarity of music and sound effects when characters are speaking.)

Mono-Audio system integrated support

Options: Auto Detect

  • Automatically detect the use of Mono-Audio from PlayStation settings and apply in game.


HUD customization options were retained from God of War (2018) and now allow you to customize toggling these elements on and off with a swipe.


Options: On, Swipe, Off

  • Display the Compass at the top of the screen.
    • On (Default): Compass will be shown and hidden as determined by gameplay.
    • Swipe: Compass visibility can be toggled on and off when assigned to a Swipe.
    • Off: Compass will not be shown during most gameplay.

Enemy Health Bars

Options: On, Swipe, Off

  • Display an element above enemy heads that indicates their level, heath, stun, and status effects.
    • On (Default): Enemy Health Bars will be shown and hidden as determined by gameplay.
    • Swipe: Enemy Health Bars can be toggled on and off when assigned to a Swipe.
    • Off: Enemy Health Bars will not be shown in combat.

Boss Health Bars

Options: On, Swipe, Off

  • Display a Boss Health Bar at the top of the screen when in Boss or Miniboss combat.
    • On (Default): Boss Health Bars will be shown and hidden as determined by gameplay.
    • Swipe: Boss Health Bars can be toggled on and off when assigned to a Swipe.
    • Off: Boss Health Bars will not be shown in combat.

Enemy Off-screen indicator

Options: On, Swipe, Off

  • Show an indicator around Kratos that lights up and points to indicate the direction/type of incoming attack.
    • On (Default): Enemy Off-Screen Indicator will be shown and hidden as determined by gameplay.
    • Swipe: Enemy Off-Screen Indicator can be toggled on and off when assigned to a Swipe.
    • Off: Enemy Off-Screen Indicator will not be shown in combat.

Combat HUD

Options: On, Swipe, Off

  • Show health, rage, or other combat related elements on the HUD.
    • On (Default): Combat HUD (health, rage, etc.) will be shown and hidden as determined by gameplay.
    • Swipe: Combat HUD can be toggled on and off when assigned to a Swipe.
    • Off: Combat HUD will not be shown in most gameplay.

Gameplay notifications

Options: On, Swipe, Off

  • Allow general game information like pickups, quests, and unlocks to show in the HUD.
    • On (Default): Gameplay Notifications (pickups, quests, etc.) will be shown and hidden as determined by gameplay.
    • Swipe: Gameplay Notifications can be toggled on and off when assigned to a Swipe.
    • Off: Gameplay Notifications will not be shown in most gameplay.

Aim Reticle

Options: On, Swipe, Off

  • Show an on-screen indication of where the player is aiming with a reticle.
    • On (Default): Aim Reticle will be shown and hidden as determined by gameplay.
    • Swipe: Aim Reticle can be toggled on and off when assigned to a Swipe.
    • Off: Aim Reticle will not be shown in most gameplay.

Game difficulty

Finally, Santa Monica Studio has expanded the combat difficulty selection to add a new level to allow for more flexibility.


Options: Story, Grace, Balance, No Mercy, God of War

  • Adjust the overall combat difficulty of the game.
    • Give Me a Story: For those who want an experience with the least focus on combat.
    • Give Me Grace: For players who want story focused gameplay with some focus on combat.
    • Give Me Balance: Equally focused on combat and gameplay.
    • Give Me No Mercy: For those who want more demanding combat.
    • Give Me God of War: For those who want the game as difficult as possible. God of War mode can only be selected when starting a new game at the start menu.

Lessons Learned Codex

  • Review tips and lessons in the codex at any time, including information on combat, exploration, and new game mechanics.

A message from Santa Monica Studio

"Furthering accessibility in gaming is an industry-wide pursuit. What we have been able to implement in God of War Ragnarök would not be possible without the knowledge and guidance of our many partners. We would like to recognize the worldwide PlayStation Studios whose knowledge has been invaluable and an inspiration – especially the teams at Naughty Dog and Insomniac Games.

We’d also like to thank our accessibility consultants for their guidance during the development of the game: Joshua Straub, Paul Amadeus Lane, James Rath, Alanah Pearce, Jason Bolte, SightlessKombat, Christopher Robinson."

-Mila Pavlin