How to manage your order

Find out how to manage your PS Direct shipping and payment information.

How to edit payment information on 

  • Once a standard order is placed you cannot change the payment method. 
  • If you have an active pre-order, you can modify the payment method associated with your pre-order anytime up to 8 days prior to the listed release date of the product. If you were signed in while you made your pre-order reservation you will need to be signed in to modify your reservation. When changing the shipping address please take a moment to make sure your payment method and billing address are up to date.

How to change your shipping address

If you have an active pre-order, you can modify the shipping address associated with your pre-order anytime up to 8 days prior to the listed release date of the product.

If you were signed in while you made your pre-order reservation you will need to be signed in to modify your reservation. When changing the shipping address please take a moment to make sure your payment method and billing address are up to date.

  • Once a standard order is placed, the shipping address cannot be changed.

How to cancel an order on

You can cancel your order within 30 minutes of placing it to prevent it from being processed and shipped. 

  1. Go to Order Look Up and select the order.
  2. Select Cancel.
  3. If your order has been processed, it can’t be cancelled. 
  • You can only cancel whole orders. 
  • If your order is cancelled successfully, you won’t be charged for the order. 
  • If you selected a credit/debit card or PayPal as your payment method, a hold on your funds is taken. This will be removed, usually within 8 days, depending on your financial institution.

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