Which Gran Turismo was your first? Do you remember which car you used when you beat your friends at Trial Mountain Circuit? Have you ever stayed up all night playing Gran Turismo with your friends/cousins/siblings to unlock your dream car?
In conjunction with the launch of Gran Turismo 7 (PS4/PS5) and the 25th Anniversary of Gran Turismo franchise, we are inviting gamers in Asia to share when, what, how or with whom you Find Your Line in Gran Turismo.
Dig up memorable photos and videos and simply post videos or photos on what Gran Turismo means to you (with max 100 words captions, and add hashtags: #MyGTStory and #GT7 and tag @PlayStationHK on Facebook or Instagram) and the most creative ones will stand a chance to win "Gran Turismo 7 Deluxe Gift Set", featuring Gran Turismo 7 Merchandises and a copy of GT7 25th Anniversary game copy autographed by Yamauchi-san. (Terms and conditions apply)
Yamauchi-san invites you to share your #MyGTStory and stand a chance to win
Each winner (5 winners from Hong Kong) will receive Gran Turismo 7 Deluxe Gift Set that consists of Gran Turismo 7 Merchandises and a copy of GT7 25th Anniversary game copy autographed by Yamauchi-san.
Ricky Lau
PlayStation HK
Gran Turismo 基本上係陪伴我長大,唯一嘅賽車遊戲。由學習認識汽車品牌、賽道、線位、圈速,到後來同朋友一齊玩耐力賽、線上比賽,亦都造就咗我12年嘅工作生涯都同汽車有關。GT就係我成長嘅見證,今日,我都好興幸可以見證GT7嘅誕生。
#MyGTStory #GT7
幅相係2008年12月影嘅⏱ 記錄左我細細個已經開始玩GT系列,培養左對車嘅興趣🚘 當時知道喺亞洲遊戲展有得試玩 GT5 Prologue,就第一時間排隊試玩!見到畫質同埋新車款,已經令我 ‘真的很興奮’ 😍 希望嚟緊GT7會繼續創造新嘅傳奇!#MyGTStory @playstationhk #GT7
第一次接觸GT係小學嘅時候,但GT6之後就冇繼續玩🥲 前年年尾心血來潮買咗個軚盤玩返GT,點知一玩就停唔到😂 幾乎每日都會練車或者online鬥車(附上highlights),上年仲參加埋香港嘅比賽🥶 最近終於將driver rating升到A,總算喺GT7出之前完成呢個目標✊🏼
Fai Cheng
早排有位影開相嘅朋友,知我有玩賽車 Game,問我 Gran Turismo 系列有咩咁特別令我情有獨鍾。我就同佢講, GT 系列就係似 Sony 無反相機一樣突破傳統、不斷創新。GT 將真實汽車物理經 PlayStation HK 帶到大眾可觸及嘅範圍,亦改變大家對「賽車遊戲」嘅睇法。
#MyGTStory #GT7 #xperiaproi #GTS經已係數位版
*No purchase necessary. Open to participating regions / countries who are ages 18 and older. Void where prohibited. Read full terms and condition.
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