
How to check the country/region of your account on PSN

Find out how to check the country/region of your account on PlayStation™Network.

It is essential to check the country/region of your PSN account before contacting us.
Contact from out of region PSN accounts will not be supported.

How to check the country/region of your account online

  1. Sign in to Account Management

  2. Go to Your Information > Residential Address and click on Edit.

  3. Check Country/Region.
  1. Open the Play screen on the PlayStation app.
  2. Press on the Settings icon (gear icon).
  3. Scroll down and click on Account Information under PlayStation Network menu.
  4. Tap on Edit under Residential Address.
  1.  Check Country/Region.

How to contact PlayStation Support in your country/region registered on your account

  • You have to contact PlayStation Support in the applicable country/region that matches your account on PSN. Please select the country/region in the bottom left corner of the page or by use the PlayStation Country Selector.
  • When using a search engine to contact PlayStation Support, we recommend entering your country/region name to directly open the support page at your country/region.

When should you check your account country/region?

You should check your account country/region before purchasing games, subscription or contacting PlayStation Support.

  • The country/region of PlayStation™Store on your console is what you registered on your account.
    Content and services available on PlayStation Store vary by country/region.
  • Add-ons can’t be used with a game disc if its country/region does not match with the country of the game disc.
    Check the small print on the back of the game box to find the country/region the game is licensed for.
    You can ask the retailer for the game's country/region license information.
  • Game save data cannot be read on other accounts registered in different country/region.
  • Voucher codes and account’s country/region must match to be activated successfully.
    For physical vouchers, look for a printed flag indicating the country/region.

Can you change your country/region on PlayStation Network?

No. You can’t change your account’s country/region after your account has been created.

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