Start with nothing and design a bustling, efficient hospital as you improve the lives of Two Point County’s unfortunate residents.
Place wards, treatment rooms, break areas, and more to handle any wacky ailment that comes through the door – from people with lightbulb heads to patients suffering from cube-shaped limbs.
Expand your organisation across the whole of Two Point County as you build new hospitals, balance the budget, and train your staff to take on more complicated diseases.
Add some personal flair to your hospital by mixing and matching functional and decorative items to increase patient happiness – and keep those end of year awards rolling in.
You’ll come across a range of unusual illnesses including Light-headedness, Premature Mummification, and Cubism –each requiring their own unique treatment machines.
Research new cures, upgrade medical equipment, and level up your staff with new abilities to make your hospital even more efficient - and profitable.
From 1st January 2023, we will temporarily only accept payments using your wallet, which you will only be able to fund by using PlayStation Store Gift cards. For more details, go to playstation.com/croatia-currency
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