Request a refund for PlayStation Store purchases
If you have bought something on PlayStation Store but have changed your mind about the purchase, you can contact us using the contact channel below to request a refund.
Select a topic to find the best way to contact us.
Select a topic to find the best way to contact us.
If you cannot receive a 2SV verification code or have no access to your phone, and you do not have 2SV backup codes, you will need to contact us using the details below and with these details ready:
your online ID, sign-in ID (email address on your account), serial number of the console used to create or log into your account, and any recent transaction details.
If you forget your PlayStation Network (PSN) password, you can reset it from the web or on your PlayStation console.
If you believe that someone else might have access to your account, please reset the passwords associated with your sign-in ID (email address) and account. If you can't change your password or access your account, contact us to help you secure your account.
Your online ID and sign-in ID (email address on your account).
Serial number of the console used to create or log into your account.
Details of a recent transaction (including Order Number, content purchased, price and date of the transaction)
If you're experiencing issues after a change to your online ID on PlayStation Network or want to revert to your previous online ID please contact us.
Please contact PlayStation Support with your online ID and sign-in ID (email address) to request account closure.
If you are having issues or need help downloading your information, please contact us using the details below.
When you create an account for PlayStation™Network (PSN), you agree to obey the PlayStation Network Terms of Service, which includes the Community Code of Conduct. If you breach these terms we may temporarily or permanently suspend your account. For the most serious breaches, we may suspend your PlayStation console from accessing PlayStation Network.
You can access your account once your temporary suspension ends. You can see how long is left by checking the email notification from PlayStation Safety. You may be eligible to appeal a permanent suspension.
If you or the payment owner reversed a payment to PlayStation Network, your account will be suspended until the charges are resolved. To resolve the issue please contact us using the details below.
If you have received an e-mail from PlayStation about an account you don't own or recognise, please change your e-mail password immediately and contact us with the options below.
Deactivate your previous PlayStation console to activate your account on a new PlayStation device.
You can easily deactivate your PlayStation console if you have access to it, or deactivate it online once every 6 months.
Contact us using the details below if you're having issues.
If you don't recognise payments made on your credit card or bank statement, it could be possible that someone has used your payment details to make a purchase on PlayStation Store.
If you don't have an account for PlayStation Network, and you think you've been the victim of fraud or your payment details have been compromised, contact your card provider (the number on the back of the card) and report the matter to law enforcement and we will cooperate with any enquiry. PlayStation Support can only discuss these charges with the account holder.
If you do have an account for PlayStation Network, we may be able to assist. Please reach out to us in the contact option(s) below.
If you are having issues making a payment, please contact us.
If your voucher code is printed on a receipt, please contact the retailer to recover the code.
For all other types of damaged vouchers, please contact us, describing the date of purchase and the retailer. You may be asked to provide proof of purchase and pictures of both sides of the voucher.
Active subscriptions can be cancelled up until the next payment date by selecting the Cancel Subscription setting. To request a refund please contact us following the details at the bottom of this page. Visit our cancellation policy page to get more information.
If you are using a third-party subscription, service, or a non-PlayStation developed application on your PlayStation device and have a question, please contact directly the app developer or subscription provider.
If you have paid for pre-ordered content on PlayStation Store but have changed your mind about the purchase, contact us following the details below to request a refund or visit our cancellation policy page to get more information.
To make sure your console automatically downloads your pre-order as soon as possible, check the Auto-download settings on your console and make sure there is enough storage space for the game data.
Resolve game issues by following troubleshooting steps in our videos. If you're still having issues, please contact us.
When you contact us, we may ask you to provide: a detailed description of your game issue, troubleshooting steps you attempted and a screenshot or a video of the issue if possible.
If you’re having trouble connecting to PSN, you can always check to confirm there are no on-going issues. If that doesn’t resolve your issue, you can visit PlayStation Repairs to get connection solutions for your PS4 and PS5.
Enter your date of birth.