
How to fix WC-34891-5

Your credit card information is invalid.

  1. Make sure the card holder name, card number, CVV code (last three digits on the signature strip), expiry date and billing address are correct, and match the details linked to your credit/debit card account.
  2. Make sure your address matches exactly with the address that your card issuer has on their system, including all and any abbreviations.
  3. Make sure you’re using a card that has a street address. For example, do not use a PO Box or BFPO address.
  4. If your details include any special characters like asterisks (*), hyphens (-), apostrophes (') or slashes (/), don’t include them. Make sure you also change any non-Latin characters to their Latin alphabet equivalent.
  • Please note that prepaid cards cannot be used to purchase subscriptions.

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