Find out how to troubleshoot technical issues, such as lost data or hidden trophies, caused by a PlayStation™Network (PSN™) online ID change.
If you find that your online ID has been changed to Temp-xxxxxx, this means we've received a verified report from another player that your online ID has breached our Terms of Service. Please see our Code of Conduct for more details.
Your original online ID has been reported as inappropriate. This type of online ID change can’t be reversed.
After you've secured your account, contact PlayStation Support using the link at the bottom of this page to change back to your original online ID.
If you can't access your account, contact PlayStation Support using the link at the bottom of this page to help you secure your account and change back to your original online ID.
It can sometimes take up to a week for some applications or services to update to your new online ID. If your new online ID isn't appearing after a week, please contact PlayStation Support using the link at the bottom of this page.
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