
Adjust 4K resolution on a PS5 console 

How to enable and adjust 4K resolution on a PS5 console

Find out how to enable 4K resolution and adjust video output settings on your PlayStation®5 console.

How to change PS5 console resolution

Your PS5® console detects the capabilities of your TV and automatically selects the best available resolution. You can change your resolution using the PS5 console video output settings. 

  1. Go to Settings > Screen and Video
  2. Select Video Output.
    From here, you can view your Current Video Output Signal or change your video output settings.

View details about the connected HDMI device's resolution, VRR (variable refresh rate), and HDR (high dynamic range).

Set the screen resolution. When you select Automatic, it's set to the highest resolution your TV supports.

Test 1440p Output
If your TV supports 1440p output, you can test for SDR/HDR 60 Hz/120 Hz and VRR video output. To use 1440p output, set your Resolution to 1440p.

Turn on to enable 8K resolution video output for your TV and games that support 8K. You need a TV that supports 8K and 60 Hz video output, as well as DSC (Display Stream Compression).

  • This setting is available only for consoles from the CFI-7000 model group.

You can enjoy higher video quality for some PS4 games. Turn this off if you experience unexpected behaviour during gameplay.

  • This setting is available only for consoles from the CFI-7000 model group.
  • This setting requires a screen that supports 4K or 1440p resolution.

Allow the refresh rate to adjust in real time while using TVs and games that support VRR (variable refresh rate).

  • Results vary depending on the TV you're using.
  • Turn on Apply to Unsupported Games to stabilize the frame rate for games even if they don't support VRR. If you experience unexpected behaviour while playing games, turn off this setting.

Turn on to enable 120 Hz video output for your TV and games that support 120 Hz frame rate. If you experience video output problems with these games on a monitor or other display device, turn off this setting.

If your TV supports ALLM (auto low-latency mode), it automatically switches to low-latency mode while playing games. Even if you set ALLM to Off, it automatically switches to low-latency mode when you're using VRR output.

  • To completely turn off ALLM, you must also set VRR to Off.

Adjust the transfer rate for 4K resolution video. If you experience flickering on the screen, try selecting -1 or -2 to limit output. This may improve picture quality.

  • When you select -1 the following output is limited:
    4K 120 Hz
    4K 50/60 Hz RGB/YUV444 DeepColor
    8K 60 Hz output (CFI-7000 model group only)

When displaying 4K HDR content at 50/60 Hz, YUV422 or YUV420 colour format is used.

  • When you select -2 the following output is limited:
    4K 120 Hz
    4K 50/60 Hz RGB/YUV444
    8K 60 Hz output (CFI-7000 model group only)

When displaying 4K content at 50/60 Hz, YUV420 colour format is used.

Experience more realistic image detail with an HDR (high dynamic range) TV.

  • If you select Always On, even games and apps that aren't HDR-compatible automatically convert to HDR output.
  • If you select On When Supported, games and apps that aren't HDR-compatible display in SDR (standard dynamic range).

Enables fine brightness adjustments and optimized HDR rendering.

Enables smooth image rendering.

Change this only when you use an HDMI device that doesn't send RGB range information correctly.

How to adjust the display area on PS5 consoles

If the picture on your TV screen looks cut off around the edges, or if you see a black border around the picture, try adjusting the display area:

  1. Go to Settings > Screen and Video > Screen.

  2. Select Adjust Display Area

  3. Follow the on-screen instructions.

What is 8K on PS5 Pro consoles? 

PS5 Pro console 8K output requires a screen that supports 8K at 60Hz with Display Stream compression output. Please check with the manufacturer of your screen for more information.

8K video output and other functions are limited in the following cases.

  • VRR is disabled during 8K output.
  • If you're using two or more of the following features at the same time, video output can't be switched to 8K: Share Screen, Share Play, broadcasting, and Remote Play.
  • If you start Share Screen, Share Play, broadcasting, or Remote Play during 8K video output, gameplay recording stops. You also can't use two or more of these features at the same time.
  • While your PlayStation®VR is connected, you can't use 8K output.
  • If your PlayStation®VR2 is connected and your TV is set to 8K output, your VR headset can't display video.
  • You can't zoom during 8K output.
  • You can't use pin to side mode to watch two screens at the same time during 8K output.
  • To use Remote Play during 8K video output, the video quality of Remote Play must be 720p or more.
    To use mobile data for Remote Play, select High or Best (on PS5 consoles and PS4 Pro consoles) for Video Quality for Streaming on your mobile device.

What is 4K?

4K is almost four times higher definition than standard (1080p HD). Though all PS5 consoles have 4K and HDR capabilities, the availability of image quality depends on your home entertainment setup.

Is HDMI 2.1 supported on PS5 consoles?

The PS5 console supports the HDMI 2.1 specification, and it also supports 4K 120Hz video output. As this emerging technology isn’t fully supported in the market, Sony Interactive Entertainment is working with TV manufacturers to improve performance and bring the best experience to console users. During this transition period, you may experience some issues with 4K 120 Hz.

If you encounter a situation where there’s nothing displayed on your TV when the PS5 console is expected to be outputting a 4K 120 Hz signal, or the signal is displayed as 1080p 120 Hz, please consider the following:

  • Does the TV claim to support 4K 120 Hz? 
  • Is the TV using its latest firmware? 
  • Are you using the cable included with the PS5 console or an Ultra High-Speed Cable that is rated for 4K 120 Hz output? 
  • Is the PS5 console directly connected to the TV by HDMI, or to a receiver or other piece of intermediary equipment that could be affecting the signal? 
  • Is the PS5 console connected to an appropriate HDMI port (2.1) on the TV? Check the TV manual for more information. HDMI 2.1 support may require that you change settings via the TV. 
  • Is the PS5 Screen andVideo > Video Output > Resolution set to Auto or 2160p
  • Is the PS5 Screen andVideo > Video Output > Video Transfer Rate set to Auto?

Is auto low latency mode supported on PS5 consoles?

If your TV supports ALLM (auto low-latency mode), it automatically switches to low-latency mode while playing games. Even if you set ALLM to Off, it automatically switches to low-latency mode when you're using VRR output. To completely turn off ALLM, you must also set VRR to Off.

  • You can adjust ALLM by going to Settings > Screen and Video > Video Output > ALLM.

  • The latest system software is required for ALLM.  

  • Please note, your PS5 console doesn’t send an ALLM signal when a media app is running.  

  • Please check the manual of your TV to see if ALLM is supported. For more information, please contact the manufacturer.

Do all TVs with HDMI 2.1 have ALLM?
No, please check the instruction manual that came with the display device to check if it supports ALLM.

What cable is needed for PS5 consoles to use ALLM? 
The HDMI cable included with the PS5 console is recommended. Otherwise, an Ultra-High-Speed HDMI Cable that supports HDMI 2.1 should support ALLM.

What HDMI port do I need to use on my TV?
If there is an HDMI port that supports HDMI 2.1, please use it to connect your PS5 console.

Having issues?

If you are having resolution issues, please visit the PlayStation Repairs diagnostic tool for further steps and to arrange a repair.

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