Follow these steps to resolve common issues with redeeming PlayStation™Store vouchers.
When redeeming a voucher, please check the following:
If you're redeeming a subscription voucher, please check the following:
Some subscription vouchers need your credit or debit card details to be added to your account before they can be redeemed. You'll see a pop-up message when attempting to redeem this type of voucher.
If a child account has a voucher that has an age rating higher than their age, that was purchased from a retail store or a game website, the family manager needs to allow them to redeem this code on PlayStation Store*:
Once the voucher has been redeemed on the child account, change the Age Filtering for Online Content setting back to Restrict.
*Please note, this process is only available in the US, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, Japan, and Korea. In other countries/regions, voucher codes for age-restricted content cannot be redeemed by account holders who are not of the appropriate age.
If your voucher code is printed on a receipt, please contact the retailer to recover the code.
For all other types of damaged voucher, please contact us, describing the date of purchase and the retailer. You may be asked to provide proof of purchase and pictures of both sides of the voucher.
You can only use a voucher code once. Check your transaction history. If the voucher code has already been redeemed, it appears in the transaction details section.
Some voucher codes require activation at the time of purchase. Please check the voucher — it’ll state 'no value until activated at register' on the front and back. If this type of voucher isn’t working, please check with the retailer that it was correctly activated.
Please check the transaction history of each account associated with your PlayStation consoles. You may also need to check whether the content is already in your Library (download list on PS3 and PS Vita).
Please check your Library and transaction history to see if the content has been redeemed.
If you’re redeeming a voucher for additional content —such as in-game currency or a season pass —please relaunch the game and check to see if the content has been applied
Please note, the availability and release date of DLC or pre-order content is determined by the publisher.
It’s not possible to transfer funds or content between accounts. Please verify you are signed into the correct account for PlayStation™Network before redeeming a code.
If you’re sure that you haven't redeemed the voucher, please contact us, describing the date of purchase and the retailer. You’ll be asked to provide proof of purchase and pictures of both sides of the voucher.
If you’d like to share eligible content or PlayStation®Plus benefits with other players on your console, please visit the guides below.
Unfortunately, voucher codes can only be redeemed in the same PlayStation Store region — it’s not possible to change the region of an account (the region was selected when the account was set up).
The region for each code is printed on the voucher.
If you're still having issues with a voucher, please contact PlayStation Support using the link below.
Contact our support specialists
Enter your date of birth.