Concrete Genie follows the heartwarming journey of a bullied teen named Ash, who escapes his troubles by bringing his colorful imagination to life in his sketchbook, while exploring his hometown of Denska - a once bright and bustling seaside town now polluted by Darkness.
Ash discovers a mysterious lighthouse, where he finds a magical paintbrush charged with ‘Living Paint’ capable of creating magnificent masterpieces that can purify Denska’s polluted walls.
Ash must harness the magical properties of his powerful paintbrush to eliminate the Darkness polluting Denska with the help of the mischevious Genies he creates along the way.
Can Ash overcome his personal struggles and paint his hometown back to life?
Bring personalized Genies to life and share special moments with these colorful creatures. In return, they will work alongside players to solve puzzles that open up new areas across Denska, and unlock new abilities for Ash.
Explore the streets of Denska and use magical ‘Living Paint’ to restore Ash’s hometown from Darkness. Players can create their own vibrant street art designs by picking a page from Ash’s precious sketchbook and then using the motion controller function of the DUALSHOCK 4 controller to paint with it. Every scattered page you discover will teach Ash a new design for his brush.
Embark on a heartwarming journey as Ash and learn how he is able to overcome his challenges through the power of self-expression and creativity.
Concrete Genie contains two PlayStation VR modes - VR Experience and VR Free Paint.
In Experience, players will help a Genie discover a mysterious power through painting and see their art come to life from a new perspective.
In Free Paint, players use two PlayStation Move motion controllers to create beautiful living landscapes, using the collected pages of Ash’s precious sketchbook.
* VR modes require PlayStation VR and PlayStation Move motion controllers. Please review and follow all safety guidelines for use of PlayStation VR. PlayStation VR is not for use by children under age 12. PlayStation 4 system, PlayStation VR and PlayStation Camera are required to experience VR functionality. Sold separately.
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