Look after yourself on PlayStation™Network by following these rules whenever you go online.
PlayStation Network (PSN) is designed to be a safe and enjoyable place for all players. To ensure that your PSN experience is as safe as possible, please follow these PlayStation Safety guidelines:
Control your privacy on PlayStation Network by customising your privacy settings through Account Management on the web. You can set preferences for:
You can connect with other players in many ways through messaging, voice chat, and sharing content like photos and videos.
You should not expose information such as your address, phone number or other personal details. Sharing these details increases your risk of identity theft, stalking and harassment. Make sure everything you post is okay for anyone to see.
You don’t have to interact with someone that makes you feel uncomfortable. You can block them, which means you won’t see their posts and they won’t be able to message you or join your Party.
If you see players sharing content that breaches our Code of Conduct, report it using our reporting feature.
Moderators review each report to determine whether the Code of Conduct has been breached. If a breach has occurred, we remove the content and take appropriate action against the offender.
We ask our players to follow the Code of Conduct so that all members of the PlayStation community feel comfortable and included. Complying with the PlayStation Network Code of Conduct allows all players to have an enjoyable gaming experience.
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