Learn how to cancel your subscription and what happens to your PlayStation®Plus benefits when you cancel and re-subscribe to PlayStation Plus.
Sign in to Account Management.
Select Subscription from the menu on the left of the screen.
Select Cancel Subscription next to PlayStation Plus.
If you would like to keep your subscription, you can select Reactivate Subscription before the next payment date of the current subscription to keep it active.
If you cancel your PlayStation Plus subscription you will continue to have access to all of your PlayStation Plus subscription benefits until the end of any previously purchased subscription payment period.
Once your PlayStation Plus subscription ends you will lose access to all PlayStation Plus benefits such as monthly games, online storage and online multiplayer.
Once your PlayStation Plus subscription ends, content you previously downloaded at no cost as part of the subscription (such as monthly games) will no longer be available. However, redeemed PlayStation Plus packs and avatars, and PlayStation Plus discounted purchases are yours to keep.
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