
Watch LIVE: PlayStation 5 Asia Celebration Showcase airs on 11 Nov 23:00

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Experience Next Gen Gaming on PlayStation 5

Excited for the upcoming launch of PlayStation 5?
As part of the celebration showcase, we invited one of the biggest acts in Asia, JJ Lin, to join us for an exclusive unboxing session.

JJ Lin

Prominent local content creators will also share their gameplay experiences with us. Come join us!

Joakim Gomez
Mediacorp 987 DJ

Victoria Cheng

Excited for the showcase? Watch LIVE and stand a chance to win Rewards!

Watch LIVE and stand a chance to win Rewards!

Complete the tasks following below instruction, and have a chance to win a PlayStation 5 Console, PULSE 3D Wireless Headset or PlayStation Plus 12-Month membership. Most importantly, enjoy the LIVE digital showcase!

Sign in & agree on our Terms and Condition

Complete available Tasks

Enjoy watching LIVE, find the #Hashtags during the show.

After the LIVE show ends, answer each available quiz and leave best comment to win!


After you have completed each quests, you are eligible to receive the rewards!*

Grand Prize

The best comment will be rewarded the grand prize - PlayStation 5 (CFI-1018A)

Second Prize

Participants with the 2nd to 11th best comment will be rewarded a second prize - PULSE 3D Wireless Headset (CFI-ZWH1) 

Third Prize

Participants with the 12th to 111th best comment will be rewarded a PlayStation Plus 12-Month Membership voucher code

Participation Prize

Participants who complets Quest 02 will be rewarded "Space Fantasy" (by Ns) PlayStation 4 Theme voucher code

*By November 12th at 23:59 (SGT), complete the above quests to win each reward. (You must have signed up for the campaign previously to be eligible.) No purchase necessary. Visit Official Rules for details.


*Term & conditions