Find out how to set up Apple Music on your PlayStation®5 console, and how to unlink your Apple Music account from PlayStation™Network.
You can listen to music while playing compatible PS5 and PS4 games on a PS5 console.
Available artists and tracks may vary according to location.
Argentina | Honduras | Peru |
Australia | Hong Kong | Poland |
Austria | Hungary | Portugal |
Bahrain | Iceland | Qatar |
Belgium | India | Romania |
Bolivia | Indonesia | Russia |
Brazil | Ireland | Saudi Arabia |
Bulgaria | Israel | Singapore |
Canada | Italy | Slovakia |
Chile | Japan | Slovenia |
China | Kuwait | South Africa |
Colombia | Lebanon | South Korea |
Costa Rica | Luxembourg | Spain |
Croatia | Malaysia | Sweden |
Cyprus | Malta | Switzerland |
Czech Republic | Mexico | Taiwan |
Denmark | Netherlands | Thailand |
Ecuador | New Zealand | Turkey |
El Salvador | Nicaragua | Ukraine |
Finland | Norway | United Arab Emirates |
France | Oman | United Kingdom |
Germany | Panama | United States |
Greece | Paraguay | Uruguay |
Guatemala |
Open the Apple Music app and select your account at the top right of the screen. Select Log out. Your Apple Music account is no longer linked to PlayStation Network.
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