

Looking for the legal terms relating to use of our PlayStation®Network?
You're in the right place.

PSN Privacy Policy: this document explains how we collect and use data relating to you, your Account, the PlayStation® devices, peripherals, software and websites you use.

PSN Terms of Service: these terms explain your rights and obligations regarding the creation and use of your Account, including your purchases from PlayStation® Store.

PSN Rules: highlighting the most important bits of our PSN Terms of Service to our customers aged 7-17. (Though the rest of you can also read them.)

PlayStation Store cancellation policy: this document explains how and when you can cancel purchases made from PlayStation Store.

You need to accept the PSN Terms, Privacy Policy and Software Usage Terms when you create an Account, and each time we make any significant change to any of them.  Significant means something that changes their meaning / our relationship, rather than something that just corrects typos or changes the font.  Each time you accept these 3 documents, we'll email you the version you accepted (so make sure we have the right email address for you - we use it for other important things like purchase confirmations and security messages too).  Keep that email safe so you can always check what terms were relevant at any particular time.  The latest ones will always be here though.

If you are looking for other legal documents relating to your use of our consoles, games and services, please click here to visit our main page: