How to chat with PlayStation Online Assistant

PlayStation® Online Assistant is a chat service that allows you to contact PlayStation Support.

After answering a few questions from the chatbot, you can talk to a person during business hours.

Before you start a chat

  • To protect your personal information, please don’t enter your payment information unless instructed by PlayStation Support. 
  • Make sure you have a stable internet connection.
  • If the character input field disappears, please scroll slowly to the bottom of the chat screen.
  • You may need to provide your contact details, hardware serial numbers, etc. 

Please note that the chat may be automatically disconnected in certain situations.

How to use PlayStation Online Assistant

  1. Access Online Assistant.
    Enter your name and select Start Chat.
    Make sure you have access to your sign-in ID  and your online ID.

Sign-in ID: A valid email address used to sign in to PSN

Online ID: A unique display name used to identify you on PSN

  1. Select your issue and answer the chatbot questions. 
    If your issue is solved, the chat ends.
    If your issue isn’t solved, you’re connected with a Support operator.
    Your place in the queue is displayed while you wait.
    Please note, you may be automatically disconnected if you navigate away from the chat.
  1. After using the service, please complete the survey.

Why has my chat closed?

In some cases, your chat may end automatically. This can happen if several minutes have passed in these situations:

  • You don’t respond to a message from PlayStation Support.
    An alert will be displayed at the top of the chat screen.
  • You close the chat screen.
    This includes going into sleep mode, switching tabs, or minimizing your browser.
  • Business hours have ended.

Need help? 

Contact our support specialists