
Capture gameplay and screenshots on PS4™ consoles

How to capture gameplay and screenshots on PlayStation®4 consoles

Save the memorable moments in your games on PS4™ consoles by taking screenshots and recording video clips.


How to capture screenshots on PS4 consoles

You can save a screenshot of your gameplay in one of the following ways. 

  • Press and hold the SHARE button on your controller.
  • Press the SHARE button, and then press the triangle button.
  • Press the SHARE button, and then select Save Screenshot.

How to capture video clips on PS4 consoles

Video of the most recent 15 minutes of gameplay is continuously and automatically recorded. You can save a video clip of your gameplay in the following ways.

  • Press the SHARE button twice to start recording, and then press the SHARE button twice to stop recording.
  • Press the SHARE button, and then select Save Video Clip.

How to view your saved video clips and screenshots

  1. Select Capture Gallery from the content area.
  2. Press the OPTIONS button on your controller to sort your media by name or date, and delete video clips or screenshots. You can also copy video clips and screenshots to a USB storage device.

How to change PS4 SHARE button settings

Go to Settings > Sharing and Broadcasts and select one of the following settings.

Choose from two SHARE button control types: Standard or Easy Screenshots.

This setting is available only on some PS4 consoles.

Length of Video Clip
Set the maximum length of video clips you save.

Set the default screen size of the video clips you save.


Take Screenshot Automatically When You Earn Trophy
Select the checkbox to automatically save a screenshot whenever you earn a trophy.

Image Format
Select the file format for your screenshots.

Select the size of your screenshots. This setting is available only on some PS4 consoles.

Include Microphone Audio in Video Clips
Select the checkbox to include microphone audio from the headset or PlayStation®Camera during a video clip recording. 

  • When you select the checkbox for Settings > Devices > PlayStation Camera > Mute Microphone, that setting is prioritised.

Include Microphone Audio in Broadcasts
Select the checkbox to include microphone audio from the headset or PlayStation®Camera during a broadcast. 

  • When you select the checkbox for Settings > Devices > PlayStation Camera > Mute Microphone, that setting is prioritised.

Share Party Audio
Select the checkbox to include your voice and other players’ voices in video clips and broadcasts.

  • This includes only the voices of players who have allowed their voices to be shared from the party screen, using Party Settings > Allow Your Voice to Be Shared

  • This setting is prioritised over the Include Microphone Audio in Video Clips and Include Microphone Audio in Broadcasts settings.

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