כדי להשלים ל-100% במשחק הבסיסי, תצטרכו את הפריטים הבאים:
מרכסי ההרים הקפואים מצפון לג'ונגלים החמים והדחוסים בדרום, העולם של Horizon מספק מגוון רחב של טופוגרפיות שונות. הריסות עליהן השתלט הטבע פזורות לכל אורך הדרך, שרידי הסמלים של ציוויליזציה אבודה.
העולם ב-Horizon מאוכלס על ידי מכונות מתקדמות במיוחד מכל המינים והגדלים. זרים להפחיד אך גם מוכרים במידה רבה, היצורים האוטומטיים המסתוריים האלה משלבים כוח מכני עם תווי פנים אורגניים ופראות חייתית.
בעולם של Horizon, השרידים האחרונים של המין האנושי התקבצו בצורת שבטים ייחודיים. כאשר הם מנותקים מן הידע וההתקדמות הטכנולוגית של ימים עברו, כל שבט פיתח תרבות ומנהגים עשירים משלו.
משחקי Horizon
™LEGO® Horizon Adventures
הצטרפו לציידת המכונות אלוי בזמן שהיא מובילה קבוצה צבעונית של גיבורים דרך הערבה השופעת במסע להציל את העולם וללמוד את הסודות של עברה.
Horizon Zero Dawn: Complete Edition
בעידן שבו רובוטים משוטטים על פני כדור הארץ והאנושות כבר אינה המין השולט, ציידת צעירה בשם אלוי יוצאת למסע בעקבות גורלה.
Horizon Forbidden West
הצטרפו אל אלוי במסעה האמיץ ב–Forbidden West – החזית המופלאה אך המסוכנת שמסתירה איומים מסתוריים חדשים.
Horizon Call of the Mountain
חוו את העולם המופלא של Horizon כפי שלא חוויתם מעולם בהרפתקה חדשה זו עבור PlayStation®VR2.
Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores
צאו למסע אל מעבר למערב האסור בעוד הסיפור של אלוי ממשיך בהרחבה האפית הזו של ההרפתקה של אלוי.
™LEGO® Horizon Adventures
הצטרפו לציידת המכונות אלוי בזמן שהיא מובילה קבוצה צבעונית של גיבורים דרך הערבה השופעת במסע להציל את העולם וללמוד את הסודות של עברה.
Horizon Zero Dawn: Complete Edition
בעידן שבו רובוטים משוטטים על פני כדור הארץ והאנושות כבר אינה המין השולט, ציידת צעירה בשם אלוי יוצאת למסע בעקבות גורלה.
Horizon Forbidden West
הצטרפו אל אלוי במסעה האמיץ ב–Forbidden West – החזית המופלאה אך המסוכנת שמסתירה איומים מסתוריים חדשים.
Horizon Call of the Mountain
חוו את העולם המופלא של Horizon כפי שלא חוויתם מעולם בהרפתקה חדשה זו עבור PlayStation®VR2.
Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores
צאו למסע אל מעבר למערב האסור בעוד הסיפור של אלוי ממשיך בהרחבה האפית הזו של ההרפתקה של אלוי.
Kristen and I got a chance to go eyes on (and hands on) with the PlayStation Pro console for the first time, and first impressions are promising. Though we didn’t have to time fully investigate every one of the games at last week’s hands-on event, even a cursory review of the PS5 Pro Enhanced games […]
Hi everyone, we’re thrilled for our PC community to join Aloy on her journey as she braves the Forbidden West – a majestic but dangerous frontier that conceals mysterious new threats. That’s right, Horizon Forbidden West Complete Edition launches on PC today. Horizon Forbidden West continues six months after the events of the critically acclaimed […]
Hey everyone, Horizon Forbidden West Complete Edition is coming to PC soon! Last month, we detailed the main PC features and now that we are getting closer to launch on March 21, we can share the system requirements and give you more details about some of the customization options that we have added to the […]
Hey everyone, are you ready to continue Aloy’s epic adventure on PC? On March 21, you’ll be able to explore the Forbidden West, battle awe-inspiring machines and encounter new tribes. Horizon Forbidden West is the beloved follow up to Guerrilla’s critically acclaimed Horizon Zero Dawn, and this Complete Edition for PC also includes the Burning […]
For just short of a year, Guerrilla has been working with the team over at Steamforged Games to bring you a fully cooperative, narrative-driven tabletop experience set in the world of Horizon. Horizon Forbidden West: Seeds of Rebellion is launching on Kickstarter on November 21, and today, we wanted to give you a sneak peek […]
The world of Horizon Forbidden West brims with life across its spectacular landscapes, fierce roaming machines, and thriving cultures that populate a renewed land once ravaged by the biomass-consuming machines of the Faro Plague. And though the wilds are breathtaking, and the machines are massive, Horizon’s third essential element is its authentic tribal inhabitants. On […]
Horizon Forbidden West: Complete Edition is coming to PlayStation 5 on October 6. Following the events of Horizon Zero Dawn, machine hunter Aloy races to save the planet’s crumbling biosphere before vicious storms and a mysterious, unstoppable blight ravages the remnants of humanity. Her mission and the sinister secrets it uncovers will pit Aloy against […]
The year we formed Guerrilla, 2003, was an interesting time for gaming. The PlayStation 2 had launched three years earlier to critical acclaim. People were losing their minds over the technological feats being achieved with all the power it offered (six whole GFLOPS!). Early days of development Meanwhile, we were working hard in the Netherlands […]
Last week, we asked you to join Aloy on her latest Burning Shores adventures using #PSshare and #PSBlog. Here are this week’s highlights: call_me_xavii shares Aloy taking in her lava-flowing beach surroundings. Cosmic_Nook shares Aloy flying over the shore on the back of a Sunwing. mett981 shares Aloy standing in the glow of lava and […]
Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores takes Aloy to the ruins of Los Angeles. The past millennia has seen the metropolis wracked by tectonic and volcanic activity. The result: a dangerous archipelago populated by deadly machines. Among these islands, a large settlement of Quen fight to survive. Spoiler Alert: Please note this article may contain some […]
Kristen and I got a chance to go eyes on (and hands on) with the PlayStation Pro console for the first time, and first impressions are promising. Though we didn’t have to time fully investigate every one of the games at last week’s hands-on event, even a cursory review of the PS5 Pro Enhanced games […]
Hi everyone, we’re thrilled for our PC community to join Aloy on her journey as she braves the Forbidden West – a majestic but dangerous frontier that conceals mysterious new threats. That’s right, Horizon Forbidden West Complete Edition launches on PC today. Horizon Forbidden West continues six months after the events of the critically acclaimed […]
Hey everyone, Horizon Forbidden West Complete Edition is coming to PC soon! Last month, we detailed the main PC features and now that we are getting closer to launch on March 21, we can share the system requirements and give you more details about some of the customization options that we have added to the […]
Hey everyone, are you ready to continue Aloy’s epic adventure on PC? On March 21, you’ll be able to explore the Forbidden West, battle awe-inspiring machines and encounter new tribes. Horizon Forbidden West is the beloved follow up to Guerrilla’s critically acclaimed Horizon Zero Dawn, and this Complete Edition for PC also includes the Burning […]
For just short of a year, Guerrilla has been working with the team over at Steamforged Games to bring you a fully cooperative, narrative-driven tabletop experience set in the world of Horizon. Horizon Forbidden West: Seeds of Rebellion is launching on Kickstarter on November 21, and today, we wanted to give you a sneak peek […]
The world of Horizon Forbidden West brims with life across its spectacular landscapes, fierce roaming machines, and thriving cultures that populate a renewed land once ravaged by the biomass-consuming machines of the Faro Plague. And though the wilds are breathtaking, and the machines are massive, Horizon’s third essential element is its authentic tribal inhabitants. On […]
Horizon Forbidden West: Complete Edition is coming to PlayStation 5 on October 6. Following the events of Horizon Zero Dawn, machine hunter Aloy races to save the planet’s crumbling biosphere before vicious storms and a mysterious, unstoppable blight ravages the remnants of humanity. Her mission and the sinister secrets it uncovers will pit Aloy against […]
The year we formed Guerrilla, 2003, was an interesting time for gaming. The PlayStation 2 had launched three years earlier to critical acclaim. People were losing their minds over the technological feats being achieved with all the power it offered (six whole GFLOPS!). Early days of development Meanwhile, we were working hard in the Netherlands […]
Last week, we asked you to join Aloy on her latest Burning Shores adventures using #PSshare and #PSBlog. Here are this week’s highlights: call_me_xavii shares Aloy taking in her lava-flowing beach surroundings. Cosmic_Nook shares Aloy flying over the shore on the back of a Sunwing. mett981 shares Aloy standing in the glow of lava and […]
Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores takes Aloy to the ruins of Los Angeles. The past millennia has seen the metropolis wracked by tectonic and volcanic activity. The result: a dangerous archipelago populated by deadly machines. Among these islands, a large settlement of Quen fight to survive. Spoiler Alert: Please note this article may contain some […]
הישאבו עוד יותר אל תוך Horizon יחד עם שחקנים אחרים באותו ראש, וכמו אלוי, אולי תכירו חברים בדרך!
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