PowerWash Simulator

Square Enix
Na voljo na
Izdano 31/01/2023
  • PS Plus required for online play
  • Supports up to 6 online players with PS Plus
  • Online play optional
  • 1 player
  • PS5 Version
    Vibration function supported (DualSense wireless controller)
  • PS5 game streaming supported only with Premium subscription

Kaj je PowerWash Simulator?

Zadovoljujoča čistilna igra z zelo malo stresa in visokim vodnim tlakom.

Zgrabite svoj zvesti tlačni čistilnik in sperite umazanijo z vozil, stavb, parkov in več. PowerWash Simulator je sproščujoča in zadovoljiva igra, v katerem imate zadovoljstvo dobro opravljenega dela.

Svoje zaslužke med profesionalnim visokotlačnim pranjem uporabite za nadgradnjo zbirke naprav za pranje, šob, čistilnih tekočin in podaljškov, kar vam omogoči izvajanje večjih poslov, ki jih boste pustili bleščeče čiste z večjo učinkovitostjo.

Sami pustite svojo sled na umazanem Muckingham mestu ali pa uživajte s prijatelji v spletnem sodelovalnem načinu. Še bolj pa je pomembno, da se ne pozabite zabavati.

PowerWash Simulator – glavne značilnosti

Postanite karierni čistilec

Z umazanijo prekrito mesto Muckingham je vaše platno v kariernem načinu. Sprejmite posle čiščenja in si prislužite denar, da nadgradite svoj repertoar orodij za čiščenje. Stori delajte na svoj način z lastno hitrostjo.

Skupaj zapljuskajte

Kolegu pomagajte med visokotlačnim pranjem v kariernem načinu ali uživajte v ponovitvi čistilnega posla, ki ste ga že opravili, z največ petimi drugimi sopralci med prostim igranjem.

Ne popustite pritisku

Dvignite vložke z izzivalnim načinom. Preizkusite natančnost in učinkovitost visokotlačnega pranja v Water Challenge načinu ali dokažete svojo hitrost čiščenja v Time Challenge načinu.

PS4, PS5
Square Enix LTD
Screen Languages:
Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), English, French (France), German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, Spanish, Turkish
To play this game on PS5, your system may need to be updated to the latest system software. Although this game is playable on PS5, some features available on PS4 may be absent. See PlayStation.com/bc for more details.

Download of this product is subject to the PlayStation Network Terms of Service and our Software Usage Terms plus any specific additional conditions applying to this product. If you do not wish to accept these terms, do not download this product. See Terms of Service for more important information.

You can download and play this content on the main PS5 console associated with your account (through the “Console Sharing and Offline Play” setting) and on any other PS5 consoles when you login with your same account.

See Health Warnings for important health information before using this product.

Library programs ©Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. exclusively licensed to Sony Interactive Entertainment Europe. Software Usage Terms apply, See eu.playstation.com/legal for full usage rights.
POWERWASH SIMULATOR © 2021, 2022, 2023 FuturLab Limited. All Rights Reserved. Published by Square Enix Limited. Developed by FuturLab Limited. PowerWash Simulator is a registered trademark of FuturLab Limited. SQUARE ENIX, the SQUARE ENIX logo, SQUARE ENIX COLLECTIVE, and the SQUARE ENIX COLLECTIVE logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd. CRYSTAL DYNAMICS, CRYSTAL NORTHWEST, CRYSTAL SOUTHWEST, TOMB RAIDER, LARA CROFT, and LEGACY OF KAIN are registered trademarks or trademarks of the Crystal Dynamics group of companies. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
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