What are PlayStation's most difficult games?

From action RPGs to side-scrolling shooters, PlayStation has plenty of games that will put you through your paces. If you're looking for the ultimate gaming challenge, then step right up.

You against the world

From slick sci-fi horror to bold new twists on literary classics, get ready for the fight of your life.

Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty

Od kreatora igara Ninja Gaiden i Nioh, Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty vrlo je zahtevna akciona avantura sa radnjom smeštenom u mračnoj dinastiji Han iz ere Tri kraljevstva. Igrate ulogu bezimenog vojnika koji se bori protiv ljudskih i demonski opasnosti i koji mora da održava svoj moralni rang da bi se odbranio od snažnih neprijatelja i brutalnih bosova.

Oni koji imaju iskustvo sa prethodnim Team Ninja igrama znaće da ovaj tim voli da izaziva igrače, pa tako ni Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty nije izuzetak. Igra je teška, ali je zato fer jer vas upozorava kada je ispred vas vrlo težak protivnik.

Vežbajte svoju sposobnost Deflect jer sa njom možete zadržati impuls borbe. Što ste agresivniji to će biti bolji vaš moralni rang i brže ćete uništavati neprijatelja. Ako umrete, obavezno se vratite i ubijte neprijatelja koji vas je koštao glave jer ćete tako da vratite izgubljenu energiju Genuine Qi koje je potrebna da biste napredovali.


A novel evolution of its arcade shoot 'em up legacy, Housemarque's PS5 exclusive pulls no punches. Designed to intensify the main character Selene's ongoing struggle for freedom, Returnal's world and enemies transform every encounter into a desperate, fast-paced fight for survival. 

Returnal is definitely out to challenge the player. Some of its tougher segments will see the play area absolutely filled with dangerous projectiles, brutal teleporting enemies, and environmental traps. Staying alive requires concentration and finesse.

As a roguelike, perseverance is baked into the design. The cyclical nature of the game welcomes experimentation: play around with different weapons, tackle objectives in different orders and build your familiarity with how all the games different interlocking systems can work to help or to hinder you.

Lies of P

Lies of P is a brutally challenging, but exquisitely executed action adventure that celebrates the very best of the genre. Fast-paced, precision combat, colossal boss battles and sprawling interconnected environments strewn with hidden secrets and deadly traps lie in wait for all who dare enter.

There's no doubt about it: Lies of P is a tough cookie, with a particular emphasis on the multi-phase boss fights. These encounters will test your ability to dodge, parry and attack fiercely aggressive enemies with huge health pools and devasting attacks.

Paying careful attention to your build is key to victory: each of your main components can be swapped out to improve your resistance to varying damage types, weapons have their own unique damage types and combat styles and amulets offer additional perks that can very much even the odds. If you're struggling, then careful planning can often trump bloody-minded determination.

Nioh 2

The sequel to Team Ninja’s ruthless samurai adventure ups the ante in every department, featuring enormous bosses, fiendish level design, and nuanced combat that offers a wealth of options depending on your playstyle. You’ll need to hone your skills if you’re going to see the end credits – prepare for the fight of your life.

Team Ninja deliberately design their games to push players and Nioh 2 is no exception. Its most basic enemies can easily cut you down, while its bosses can often flatten you in a single hit. Though the challenge is never unreasonable, it's often considerable.  

There's a dizzying amount of variety in Nioh 2 and as much of the game's mastery comes from outside of combat as in it. Regularly review your weapons and armor. Take full advantage of the blacksmith to forge new equipment and alter equipment attributes - also, pay attention to the benefits added by Soul Cores and Guardian Spirits - everything adds up!  

Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown

Ova prelepa nova verzija legendarne serije Prince of Persia donosi igračima odvažnu 2,5D estetiku i potpuno novog princa za igranje. Iskoristite posebne sposobnosti Time Powers zajedno sa akrobatskim stilom borbe princa da biste pobedili pokvarene neprijatelje i mitološke zveri na prelepim i vrlo opasnim nivoima.

U ovoj igri izazov ne predstavlja samo opasan neprijatelj. Funkcije Lost Crown često unose zagonetne sredine koje za rešavanje zahtevaju dobar mozak, brzu reakciju i preciznu kontrolu princa.

Nije sigurno da će vas obična tuča ili seča neprijatelja daleko odvesti. Pokušajte da usavršite prinčevo odbijanje i zadavanje udaraca i kombinujte ih sa dobro tempiranim udarcima njegove dve sablje, a da pritom održavate razdaljinu između vas i najvećih i najsmrtonosnijih protivnika.

Veterans of hardcore action

The Tokyo-based developer behind the 'Souls' series has forged a fearsome reputation for itself amongst gamers - it's time to 'get good'. 

Elden Ring

Koristeći više od decenije iskustva u dizajniranju „hardcore“ fantastičnih RPG igara, FromSoftware se vraća na scenu u saradnji sa Džordžom R. R. Martinom, autorom Pesme leda i vatre, bestseler serijala epske fantastike „Njujork Tajmsa“, sa neverovatnim ogromnim putovanjem koje se odvija u fantastičnom svetu Lands Between. Elden Ring kombinuje šunjanje, akciju, izgradnju likova i putovanje po otvorenom svetu za najambiciozniju igru do sada – sve to uz prepoznatljiv stil brutalne težine. Preuzmite proširenje igre Shadow of the Erdtree i povedite svoju avanturu u ovaj očaravajući svet.

Premda najverovatnije nije najizazovnija igra studija FromSoftware, ni u kom slučaju nije ni lagana. While Elden Ring's open-world design does make it a little easier to pick your fights, you'll eventually have to face down some daunting enemies.

There's a lot to be said for taking your time in Elden Ring. It's a huge game and while you can follow Sites of Grace directly from one boss to the next, you're far better served exploring the world. There are dozens of armor sets, unique weapons and amulets to acquire that will improve your chances - and a great deal of practice to be had!


Bloodborne is a stand-out among the studio's celebrated output, trading dark fantasy settings for a more modern, gothic feel. Taking on the role of a lone hunter in foreign garb, you must explore the blighted town of Yharnam and its surrounding locales in search of the cure to a terrible blood curse. Filled to bursting with grisly body horror and monstrous foes, Bloodborne is every bit as challenging as its siblings. 

For sure. Its fast-paced combat and huge enemy variety drive a much more aggressive style of play that will be a difficult adjustment for Dark Souls veterans. Beyond the many encounters and bosses around Yharnam, there are still more to conquer in Bloodborne's Chalice Dungeons: fiendish labyrinths filled with traps, unpredictable enemies and intimidating bosses.

The trick is to be aggressive. Bloodborne employs a special mechanic known as 'rallying' that means if you retaliate quickly enough after taking damage, you'll regain some of your lost health. The side-step maneuver (replacing Dark Souls' dodge-roll) also means that you're more mobile and can benefit from moving quickly around enemies and landing hits from all angles. 

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

Od istog tima koji je kreirao Bloodborne i Dark Souls, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice je pažljivo kreirana nindža avantura koja zahteva koncentraciju, strpljenje i preciznost. Pored toga, patićete sami – za razliku od prethodnika, nećete imati mogućnost da pozovete druge igrače koji će vam pomoći u pobedi nad vođama. Ipak, nagrade su vredne toga: brilijantna borba, izuzetan dizajn neprijatelja i veliki svet za istraživanje.

Mnogi tvrde da je Sekiro najteža igra studija FromSoftware i postoji mnogo toga što govori u prilog toj tvrdnji. While the world does have challenging moments, Sekiro's duel-style boss encounters demand a level of concentration and finesse not often seen in games.  

Don't play it like other FromSoftware games. Sekiro's unique combat puts a strong emphasis on blocking and deflections. Whilst some attacks have to be dodged, there's much more to be gained by deflecting - done repeatedly it will push the enemy off balance, leaving them vulnerable to devastating Death Blows. 

Dark Souls III

Devotees can argue for days over which is the most challenging entry in the groundbreaking Dark Souls series, but the third installment makes a very convincing claim for itself, featuring some of the series' most complex environments and demanding boss encounters. An unapologetic celebration of the influential series, Dark Souls III features a huge array of build and weapon choices, some truly enormous areas to navigate and more than a few familiar faces.

As the third title in FromSoftware's notorious Dark Souls series, it should come as no surprise that Dark Souls III is a challenging game, though perhaps not as difficult as some others on this list. The combat is finely tuned and excellently paced throughout, making for an experience that avoids excessive difficulty spikes.

Keep an eye on your weight. While donning a suit of inch-thick steel plate might seem appealing, it'll severely hamper your combat options. Don't be afraid to ditch a helmet or pair of gloves and gain back a little mobility - armor can only reduce the damage from a blow, getting out of harm's way lets you avoid it altogether.

Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon

The first new entry in the long-running Armored Core series in over a decade, Armored Core VI reunites the veteran developer and franchise in a brutal, brilliant combination of classic mech combat and modern production values. Igrači preuzimaju ulogu unajmljenog plaćenika i upravljaju „AC-om“ (Armored Core), kog mogu da prilagode po svom ukusu opremajući ga širokim dijapazonom ramova i oružja i bojeći pojedinačne delove, kako bi se potom upustili u brzopotezne borbe na bojištu.

Premda ne prati formulu „Souls“ igara, Armored Core VI je svejedno zastrašujuća igra. Za većinu, sam trodimenzionalni pristup borbi (koja uključuje taktiziranje i na tlu i u vazduhu) predstavlja dodatni nivo zahtevnosti, pored ogromnog broja raspoloživog oružja, kiše nadolazećih projektila i hitrih neprijatelja. 

Your Armored Core (or AC) is almost infinitely flexible and there's a huge variety of options in how it's built and outfitted. If you're riding the same loadout into every mission you're likely making life harder than it needs to be. Consider the challenges of each mission, the types of enemies you'll be up against and outfit your AC to give you the advantage.

Big challenges from small teams

As one of the most diverse spaces in gaming, indie development has something to offer everyone - including those looking to test themselves.

Blasphemous 2

Nastavak privlačne akcione platforme studija The Game Kitchen proširuje i unapređuje sve ono što je original učinilo tako uspešnim u trenutku objavljivanja. Izvedba je subliminalno groteskna, borba promišljena i visceralna, a dizajn nivoa zaista izvanredan. Moreover, it packs a real punch when it comes to difficulty, building an atmosphere of dread that perfectly complements the world's characters and setting.

Featuring a cavalcade of challenging enemies, tough platforming puzzles and some fearsome boss fights, Blasphemous 2 is without a doubt a tough game. Premda možda nije najbrutalnija na ovoj listi, najverovatnije će vas propisno namučiti. 

Nemojte da se bojite istraživati okolinu – postoji više smerova koji vas vode kroz Blasphemous 2. Ako vam ne polazi za rukom da pređete neku oblast, ponekad je najbolje okušati sreću negde drugde. You might find additional weapons and items, or unlock new abilities that will come in handy in overcoming earlier difficulties.


Despite deriving its striking art style from 20th-century children's cartoons, Cuphead is anything but child's play. Beyond the colorful, characterful facade is a brutally challenging bullet-hell shooter. Biće vam potrebno strpljenje, pažljivi tajming i brzi palci da biste savladali brojne višefazne borbe s bosovima, pri čemu će se neke protezati kroz čitav nivo.

Cuphead-ova borba u igri pruža osećaj „run-and-gun“ igara stare škole i podseća na nemilosrdno teške „shoot 'em ups“ naslove arkadne scene. Ako biste ovu igru igrali na arkadnom aparatu, trebali biste jako puno žetona da dođete do njenog kraja.

Ako želite da olakšate posao u značajnoj meri, onda odvojite vreme za ovladavanje mehanikom „Parry Slap“ u igri Cuphead. Ova veoma praktična i relativno jednostavna sposobnost omogućava vam da izbegavate štetu od različitih projektila (pazite na bilo šta ružičaste boje), dok istovremeno punite Super Meter. 

Hollow Knight: Voidheart Edition

Beware the stylish presentation here - the denizens of Hallownest might not look all that threatening, but don't let that fool you. An award-winning action platformer, Hollow Knight is famed as much for its high level of difficulty as it is for its outstanding art direction, brilliant level design and snappy combat. There are cunning bosses and hidden challenges everywhere and your primary means of defence is a nail - best of luck!

Cutesy though some of the design might be, make no mistake, Hollow Knight is a genuinely uncompromising game. From tight, perilous platforming to brutal bosses, the developers at Team Cherry have crafted an experience designed to put the player through their paces.

Don't sweat the little things. Trying to collect and conserve every piece of Geo you come across can be exhausting and you might find you end up with more than you need. Prava nagrada u igri Hollow Knight je samo igranje. Otkrivanje je najveće blago i istinski dragocene stvari koje možete da pronađete u Hollownest-u ne možete da ispustite ili izgubite.

Darkest Dungeon II

Sastavite tim, opremite kočiju i krenite opustošenim krajem u ovom kritički hvaljenom nastavku igre Darkest Dungeon. Izbegnite apokalipsu kroz „roguelike” igranje, eksperimentišite sa taktikama da biste izbegli neopisane strahote i formirajte veze sa svojim pratiocima.

Svaka misija ili ekspedicija donosi svoje izazove, pa će zato neke biti lakše a neke teže. Najteže misije zahtevaju veliku koncentraciju i dobru pripremu jer život ili smrt mogu da zavise od toga kako koristite ograničene resurse koji su vam dostupni.

Formiranje prijateljstva sa članovima grupe je jako važno za održavanje jedinstva grupe u borbi. Affinity System u igri određuje kako pojedinci međusobno sarađuju, a uspostavljanje i održavanje harmonije u timu pomaže da prebrodite strahote koje vas čekaju.

Animal Well

Istražite natprirodni labirint koji se širi nelineranim, isprepletenim svetom u ovoj zbunjujućoj igri u kojoj nema borbe u stilu „Metroidvania“. Manipulišite pikselnim svetom oko sebe, borite se sa čudnim stvorenjima i oslonite se na svoju pamet da biste preživeli stvari koje vas čekaju u mraku.

Zagonetke u igri Animal Well zahtevaju ozbiljan rad da bi se rešile, a putanja ispred vas nije uvek baš najjasnija. Koliko ste uspešni može da zavisi od toga koliko vešto baratate sa alatima koji su vam dostupni. Srešćete i razna gladna stvorenja koja jedva čekaju da vas pojedu – zato što dalje od njihovih kljunova i kandži.

U ovoj igri je jako važna vaša karta. Kad god pronađete nešto interesantno, a ne možete da iskoristite, označite to na karti. A možete isprobati i stari način – uzmite olovku i papir i beležite dok igrate. Pa kad stvarno ne znate šta dalje, proverite gde ste sve bili i možda ćete baš tamo pronaći šta tražite.