Hotshot Racing

Curve Digital
  • Для мережевої гри потрібна PS Plus
  • Підтримує до 8 мережевих гравців із PS Plus
  • Мережева гра - за бажанням
  • Гравці: 1 - 4
  • Підтримується Remote Play
  • Версія PS4
    Вібрація DUALSHOCK 4

Free new DLC!

The Big Boss Bundle brings thrilling DLC to Hotshot Racing for free! New mode Barrel Barrage delivers the most incendiary action yet, while the Boss Level Grand Prix introduces an expanded selection of rapid racetracks.

Hotshot Racing is a blisteringly fast arcade-style racing game fusing drift handling, razor-sharp retro visuals and an incredible sense of speed to create an exhilarating driving experience.

Developed by racing game veterans SUMO Nottingham and Lucky Mountain Games, Hotshot Racing is an all-new driving experience which revives the classic arcade gameplay of the 90s and thrusts it into the modern era.

16 racing circuits provide the twists, turns and straights conducive to searingly quick racing. Take in coastal, jungle, alpine and Las Vegas desert environments, with each course modelled with the most vivid colours and blue skies for miles.

Time Trial and Grand Prix modes cater to those who like to compete in classic racing formats, while ‘Cops and Robbers’ and ‘Drive or Explode’ modes offer exhilarating new ways to play.

Each mode is available in single-player, four-player split-screen and eight-player online, while Time Trial is single-player only. Single-player modes run at a blistering 60FPS to deliver one of the fastest depictions of racing possible.

Smash lap records to rise-up the global online leaderboards or download ghost laps to match your racing lines against the very best.

Keiko, Xing, Mike, Alexa, Aston, Toshiro, Marcus and Viktor - eight speed addicts that have dedicated their lives to the pursuit of being the greatest racing driver in the world.

Earn boost by drifting and slipstreaming opponents and unleash a one-shot hit of speed to leave them in your rear view mirror.

Drifting is crucial in Hotshot Racing. Boost charges as the player drifts so maintaining it for as long as possible is vital to preserving maximum speed throughout a race.

In this mode each car has a bomb attached to it. Drop below a certain speed and BOOM! The trigger speed gets faster and faster, forcing players to maintain impossibly high speeds.

Robbers evade the cops. Cops catch the robbers, and in doing so convert them to the police side, leading to an exciting test of skill for the surviving criminals.

Curve Digital
Водіння й перегони
Мови відображення:
англійська, китайська (спрощене письмо), китайська (традиційне письмо), корейська, німецька, польська, португальська (Бразилія), російська, французька (Франція), японська, іспанська
Щоб грати в цю гру на PS5, можливо, доведеться оновити системне програмне забезпечення. Хоча ця гра підтримується на PS5, деякі функції, доступні на PS4, можуть бути відсутні. Додаткові відомості див. на сторінці

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