Ellien ja Joelin vaelluksesta halki pandemian runtelemien Yhdysvaltojen on nyt viisi vuotta. Vaarallisen seikkailunsa jälkeen he ovat asettuneet aloilleen Jacksoniin, Wyomingiin. He asuvat kukoistavassa selviytyjien yhteisössä, jossa elämä on rauhallista huolimatta ulkopuolella vaanivista tartunnan saaneista ja epätoivoisista selviytyjistä.
Kun väkivaltainen tapahtuma rikkoo yhteisön rauhan, Ellie lähtee matkalle etsimään oikeutta ja viemään asiat päätökseen. Hän jäljittää syyllisiä yksi kerrallaan ja joutuu samalla kohtaamaan tekojensa henkiset ja fyysiset seuraukset.
Koe kasvavat moraaliset ristiriidat, joita Ellien armoton kostoretki aiheuttaa. Sen jälkeensä jättämä väkivallan kierre haastaa näkemyksesi oikeasta ja väärästä, hyvästä ja pahasta sekä sankareista ja kelmeistä.
Uusien kehittyneiden pelijärjestelmien ansiosta Ellien matka uhkaavassa maailmassa ja taistelu elämästä ja kuolemasta tuntuvat vaikuttavammilta kuin koskaan. Jännittävät lähitaistelut, sulava liikkuminen ja dynaaminen hiiviskely tuovat taistelun selviytymisestä todella ihon alle. Tarjolla on laaja valikoima aseita, valmistettavia esineitä, taitoja ja parannuksia, joiden avulla voit muovata Elliestä omaan pelityyliisi sopivan.
Kulje Ellien mukana Jacksonin rauhaisista vuoristoista ja metsistä Seattlen villiintyneisiin raunioihin. Kohtaa uusia selviytyjiä, outoja ja petollisia ympäristöjä ja tartunnan saaneiden kauhistuttavia kehitysmuotoja. Naughty Dogin uusin pelimoottori herättää vaaralliset hahmot ja maailman eloon realistisempana ja yksityiskohtaisempana kuin koskaan ennen.
Ilmainen* PS5:lle parannetun suorituskyvyn paikkatiedosto on nyt saatavilla!
Kun pelaajat asentavat paikkatiedosto 1.08:n peliin The Last of Us Part II, näyttöasetuksista löytyy mahdollisuus valita tavoitekuvataajuudeksi 30 fps tai 60 fps. Tämän avulla pelaaja voi valita haluamansa kuvataajuuden tukemaan parannuksia, joita PlayStation 5:n taaksepäin yhteensopivuus PlayStation 4 -peleihin tarjoaa, kuten paranneltu resoluutio, nopeammat latausajat jne.
*Vaatii internetyhteyden.
Katso erikoisvieraiden haastattelut, joissa he kertovat, mitä The Last of Us on merkinnyt heille ja miksi he ovat innoissaan The Last of Us Part II:sta.
Hannah Hart kommentoi The Last of Us -peliä | PS4
Chandler Riggs kommentoi The Last of Us -peliä | PS4
Tutustu tarkemmin The Last of Us Part II:n tarinaan, pelin kulkuun, pelin maailmaan ja kehitystyöhön Naughty Dogin kehittäjien johdolla.
Jakso 1 - "Inside the Story"
Jakso 2 - "Inside the Gameplay"
Jakso 3 - "Inside the Details"
Jakso 4 - "Inside the World"
Virallinen podcast vie kuulijat halki mullistavalle matkalle The Last of Us -peliin ja kovasti odotetun Part II -pelin kulissien taa. Juontaja Christian Spicer haastattelee käsikirjoittaja ja luovan johtaja Neil Druckmannia, päänäyttelijöitä Troy Baker ja Ashley Johnson, sekä muita ammattilaisia ja visionäärejä, jotka ovat herättäneet nämä pelit henkiin.
Astu syvemmälle The Last of Us -pelin maailmaan virallisella sivustolla, joka sisältää hahmojen profiileja, uutisia ja tietoa sarjan muista peleistä.
Last week, we asked you to share new skins unlocked in The Last of Us Part II Remastered’s No Return mode using #PSshare #PSBlog. Here are this week’s highlights: RevolutionAndre shares Ellie facing forward in the Astronaut skin secondcapture shares Abby looking up through aviator sunglasses in the Bomber skin W3bmast3r_vp shares Ellie with her […]
Last week, we put the spotlight on The Last of Us Part II Remastered using #PSshare #PSBlog. Here are this week’s highlights: RevolutionAndre shares Abby gritting her teeth surrounded by fire ChosenVoid shares Joel aiming his shotgun Mr_GBM shares Ellie’s tattooed arm hanging down near overgrown ferns sirevanztheduke shares Dina leaning against the horse stables […]
Last week, we continued celebrating ten years of The Last of Us by asking for memorable moments with Joel and Ellie using #PSshare #PSBlog. Here are this week’s #TLOU10 highlights: Photoingame shares Joel and Ellie posing in a field. RevolutionAndre shares Joel and Ellie laughing around a campfire. MSTakesPictures shares Joel and Ellie running from […]
Music has always been a cornerstone of Naughty Dog titles, but with The Last of Us: Part II we knew we wanted to take things a step further, and put the music directly into players’ hands. The idea sprung first from a narrative angle: between our first internal story pitch and our first external trailer, […]
PlayStation Now’s October lineup is so massive, you may struggle to utter their names aloud in a single breath. But let’s try: The Last of Us Part II. Fallout 76, Desperados III. Amnesia: Collection, Final Fantasy VIII Remastered, Yet Another Zombie Defense, Victor Vran: Overkill Edition. *Phew*. These seven titles will all launch tomorrow, Tuesday […]
Hi, everyone! It’s been over a year since we released The Last of Us Part II, a major chapter in the growing The Last of Us universe. It’s that same world that we’ve been privileged to celebrate with the incredibly passionate and ever-growing fanbase for eight years! When we planned this year’s event, we aimed […]
Hey everyone! It’s been a while since you last heard from us regarding new merch, and we have been hard at work doing just that. While The Last of Us Day — our annual community celebration — isn’t until September 26, we wanted to kick off the weekend with a couple products we think you’ll […]
This past week marked the one year anniversary of The Last of Us Part II. To celebrate, we asked you to share unforgettable moments alongside Ellie and Abby using #PSshare #PSBlog. Here are this week’s highlights: Photoingame shares Ellie basking in the sun. Emilli96 shares Abby wearing her emotions on her sleeve. BiggestInsanity shares a […]
It’s hard to believe that just one year ago, The Last of Us Part II launched globally, and fans around the world experienced Ellie and Abby’s emotional journeys. To celebrate the one year anniversary of the launch, we collaborated with PlayStation and several amazing partners to introduce a brand-new lineup of The Last of Us […]
So far 2021 has been incredible, and supremely humbling, as The Last of Us Part II has been recognized with over 300 Game of the Year Awards, an unprecedented achievement. We are super grateful to our community for your terrific support over the past year, including voting us the BAFTA EE Game of the Year […]
Last week, we asked you to share new skins unlocked in The Last of Us Part II Remastered’s No Return mode using #PSshare #PSBlog. Here are this week’s highlights: RevolutionAndre shares Ellie facing forward in the Astronaut skin secondcapture shares Abby looking up through aviator sunglasses in the Bomber skin W3bmast3r_vp shares Ellie with her […]
Last week, we put the spotlight on The Last of Us Part II Remastered using #PSshare #PSBlog. Here are this week’s highlights: RevolutionAndre shares Abby gritting her teeth surrounded by fire ChosenVoid shares Joel aiming his shotgun Mr_GBM shares Ellie’s tattooed arm hanging down near overgrown ferns sirevanztheduke shares Dina leaning against the horse stables […]
Last week, we continued celebrating ten years of The Last of Us by asking for memorable moments with Joel and Ellie using #PSshare #PSBlog. Here are this week’s #TLOU10 highlights: Photoingame shares Joel and Ellie posing in a field. RevolutionAndre shares Joel and Ellie laughing around a campfire. MSTakesPictures shares Joel and Ellie running from […]
Music has always been a cornerstone of Naughty Dog titles, but with The Last of Us: Part II we knew we wanted to take things a step further, and put the music directly into players’ hands. The idea sprung first from a narrative angle: between our first internal story pitch and our first external trailer, […]
PlayStation Now’s October lineup is so massive, you may struggle to utter their names aloud in a single breath. But let’s try: The Last of Us Part II. Fallout 76, Desperados III. Amnesia: Collection, Final Fantasy VIII Remastered, Yet Another Zombie Defense, Victor Vran: Overkill Edition. *Phew*. These seven titles will all launch tomorrow, Tuesday […]
Hi, everyone! It’s been over a year since we released The Last of Us Part II, a major chapter in the growing The Last of Us universe. It’s that same world that we’ve been privileged to celebrate with the incredibly passionate and ever-growing fanbase for eight years! When we planned this year’s event, we aimed […]
Hey everyone! It’s been a while since you last heard from us regarding new merch, and we have been hard at work doing just that. While The Last of Us Day — our annual community celebration — isn’t until September 26, we wanted to kick off the weekend with a couple products we think you’ll […]
This past week marked the one year anniversary of The Last of Us Part II. To celebrate, we asked you to share unforgettable moments alongside Ellie and Abby using #PSshare #PSBlog. Here are this week’s highlights: Photoingame shares Ellie basking in the sun. Emilli96 shares Abby wearing her emotions on her sleeve. BiggestInsanity shares a […]
It’s hard to believe that just one year ago, The Last of Us Part II launched globally, and fans around the world experienced Ellie and Abby’s emotional journeys. To celebrate the one year anniversary of the launch, we collaborated with PlayStation and several amazing partners to introduce a brand-new lineup of The Last of Us […]
So far 2021 has been incredible, and supremely humbling, as The Last of Us Part II has been recognized with over 300 Game of the Year Awards, an unprecedented achievement. We are super grateful to our community for your terrific support over the past year, including voting us the BAFTA EE Game of the Year […]
Katso, miten Naughty Dog on varmistanut, että mahdollisimman moni pelaaja voi nauttia The Last of Us Part II:sta.
Tutustu muihin loistaviin peleihin Naughty Dogilta, kriitikkojen ylistämältä pelistudiolta, joka tunnetaan huipputeknologiastaan ja tunteita nostattavasta hahmovetoisesta kerronnastaan.
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