
Miasma Chronicles

505 GAMES S.R.L.
  • Obsługa grania offline
  • 1 gracz
  • Wersja na PS5
    Obsługa funkcji wibracji i efektu "Trigger" (kontroler bezprzewodowy DualSense)

What is Miasma Chronicles?

Brave the Miasma as you embark on a quest across a post-apocalyptic wasteland.

From the creators of Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden comes an engrossing new post-apocalyptic adventure.

In the near future, America has been torn apart by a savage force known only as the ‘Miasma’. Put in the shoes of a young man named Elvis, you must use a mysterious glove to harness the Miasma's deadly power, as you and your robotic 'brother' Diggs search the wasteland for answers.

Engage in rich tactical RPG combat and real-time exploration, and meet a host of unforgettable characters in this atmospheric sci-fi experience.

Miasma Chronicles key features

Tactical turn-based combat 

Discover a wide range of upgradeable weapons and abilities to give your heroes the edge, in this rich and rewarding tactical RPG.

An unforgettable journey

Join Elvis and the colorful characters he meets along the way as you explore the eerie wasteland expanse between battles.

Discover the truth

Absorb yourself in a gripping sci-tale and uncover the secrets of the Miasma as Elvis and Diggs fight across a broken and twisted ‘New-America’.

505 GAMES S.R.L.
Wyświetlane języki:
Angielski, Francuski (Francja), Hiszpański, Niemiecki, Polski, Portugalski (Brazylia), Rosyjski, Włoski
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